Federal prosecutors on Friday highlighted a nexus between a top intelligence official in D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department and Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, a relationship which continued from July 2019 through the Jan. 6 insurrection.
“Former Metropolitan Police Department officer Shane Lamond, who supervised the intelligence branch of the department’s homeland security bureau, faces four counts stemming from allegations that he fed information to Tarrio about law enforcement investigations into him and then lied about it to federal agents.”
Pretty sure there’s a lot more than this in the lack of response from National Guard and Pentagon.
Does Jack Smith have the authority to look at Flynn’s brother, or is he limited to Trump? Does the military have to conduct its own internal investigation?
That’s the nightmare fuel which permeates the texts, however: the prospect of polarized law enforcement officers siding with a violent right-wing street mob.
The ability to fire a MPD officer without the Police Union (who’s head testified eagerly before the Republican led congressional committee on the District) having veto power over it is exactly what the Republican congress is voting on now that will die in the Senate and, even if not, has drawn a veto threat by Biden.
I have MPD friends, but they grew up here and care for their communities. They tend to be sociable and I work with them professionally and personally.
But we got some MPD who view it as just a job and themselves as an occupying army. Ima thinking this is one of those, and so is his union chief.
What kind of Union Chief would testify in favor of MAGA Congressional Committee whos members have expressly stated that the J6 rioters- who killed his own Union Members- should go free.
If there is never any serious repercussion for these hotshots to suffer, they and their buddies will keep on acting like the traitors that they are. Some stiff prison sentences sure have opened a few eyes among the J6 Bois. Not enough time to serve in my opinion, but at least enough to demonstrate to these wannabe “soldiers” that they do not get to form their own military force, and they do not get to try to overthrow the damn government.
Lamond added that he had looked into Tarrio’s charges, and said that possession of high capacity ammo magazines in D.C. was a felony.
“So gay,” Tarrio replied.
So middle school. The maturity level of these goons is breathtakingly low. If you had to prove you have the maturity of a 25 year old to get a gun, our white supremacy problem would be disarmed.
The ranks of city, state and federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and the military, are riddled with white supremacists, Nazis, Christian Nationalists and anti-Semites. People should cease wondering about the growth of all the above in society, there are damned few in power that will reign them in, because so many in power are in league with them.