DC Metropolitan Police officer Michael Fanone, who was brutally assaulted during the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, on Wednesday took aim at former Trump adviser Michael Flynn for calling for martial law before Jan. 6 and at Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for urging his colleagues to vote against the Jan. 6 commission bill.
Fanone is being way more polite than I would be if I were in his uniform.
When will the LEO’s of America realize that Qpublicans only support them with words and not deeds. These public servants are nothing more than a political prop for the Party of Treason.
…and you have a leader on Capitol Hill who’s making phone calls asking for personal favors and doling out political capital to push for a no vote on that commission,” Fanone said. “It was absolutely disgraceful.”
Fanone was the officer that the tourists tried to help down the steps. The tourists even gave him a little encouragement with his own taser and an American flag pole.
If Mitch McConnell were here, he would explain to DC Metropolitan Police officer Michael Fanone, that this sort of investigation would place 15- 20 Republican Senators / members of the House at risk of being exposed as -
having had derailed prior knowledge of the plans and objectives
having lent support in various ways
having endorsed the efforts
having participated in crafting an action plan outline to be implemented should the plan succeed.
Mitch would point out - see … we can’t have that…
EvEry dAY republiCan senatorS risK theiR liVes doin Policy On America In feaR of AntifA, the insurrecTionistS that aTtacked The CapiTol On 1/6 in orDer to Make MAGA tourists LooK bad.
“Here I am escorting the mother of a dead policeman while she and myself advocate for the formation of a commission to investigate the circumstances which resulted in her son’s death — and you have a leader on Capitol Hill who’s making phone calls asking for personal favors and doling out political capital to push for a no vote on that commission,” Fanone said. “It was absolutely disgraceful.”
IDK – seems pretty much on-brand for McConnell and the rest of the GQP.