“Judge Nichols is clearly a ‘never Trumper’, a supposed expert and he hangs out on Twitter, way too much. If he wasn’t doing those ‘woe is me’ Twitter threads, he’d see that my privacy is more important than a lazy Democrat governor and his silly flunkies.”
That’s because it’s chaired by Neal, he who waited months before even requesting Trump’s federal tax returns in the first place. At Neal’s pace, we should see Trump’s tax returns by 2024.
As i said in the beginning, no live case or controversy and no federal question. There was never a case for Dump to sue in Federal court to block a NY state law or to block a request that had not even been made. Dump is a loser, as usual.
actually, he said “you’re in the wrong court to throw out the law – but I’m still concerned that Trump has no way to prevent the documents from being sent once they are requested. So why don’t you folks come to an agreement on giving Trump some notice, just like I made you do while this “personal jurisdiction” issue was resolved, because I just might impose one myself temporarily while I consider a more permanent solution.”
Likely not. And it’s tough to see SCOTUS ruling in his favor, but stranger things have happened.
It seems to me that Trump won’t be able to keep his tax returns under wraps forever. That time bomb was set the day he accidentally won in 2016 and is going to go off eventually.
And to me this might be a good point to bring up in the next election; all this winning has only cost us, what?, $2 trillion dollars more debt on our grandchildren? And don’t forget the invisible wall.
This case is going no where. It was decided on the ability to bring the state of new york, or their A.G. into a court in DC. Judge Nichols found that they could not - the sub-plot is that Trump thought his chances of getting a Trumpy Judge in DC was better than in New York. But Nichols was willing to apply the law.
Now perhaps Neal will get off his bony old ass, realize that McFadden is a Trump Judge, and just get the taxes from NY State…
And p.s. I seriously doubt that the Supreme Court will decide to get involved in the effort to stonewall getting Trump’s taxes via subpoena. Roberts for one will not want to burn up his credibility. First, US v.Nixon is directly on point, and was 9-0, second if a democrat wins in 2020, and then releases Trump’s taxes and they are as bad as we suspect, it will be open season on the Court.
Bigger question is not the outcome, but if Trump can get 4 votes for cert, or 5 votes for a stay…
In the earlier days Trump was proud of his tax returns demonstrating how clever he was dodging taxes.
Then someone told him what he was doing was illegal and can still be prosecuted.
Oh. never mind.
At every turn, The Orange Fecal Bolus claims he’s perfect, he’s the chosen one, he’s the greatest president in the universe, but no one can see his returns because it’s just a political stunt to embarrass him. How could the chosen one be embarrassed? He’s perfect. He’s got the best words. And above all, “Covfefe”.