Cuomo: Senate Bill Is ‘Drop In Bucket’ | Talking Points Memo

We’re over 61k Corona Virus cases and counting.

Our hit rate on testing is around 15%. Fatality rate is 1.3%-1.4%. Hospitalization rate is around 9%. These numbers tell us we’re not doing nearly enough testing. If we were testing relative to the size of the threat and the population, the hit rate, testing rate and hospitalization rate should go down. This is no way to stop or contain the virus.


Well, that almost helps - whose brain child was that, Elizabeth’s? I know it wasn’t a Republican.

And you know all of his buddies that he is going to dole out the half trillion to have got him covered.

Thanks, it was a great article, but for some reason every time I hear the word “pollster” I break out in a rash and think I am back in Vietnam.


You might enjoy the tweets of Jared Yates Sexton:

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New York was very mean to Donnie, Governor. He’s put you in the cornfield.

It is an economic Bill, it has little to do with what is causing the problem; disease. He correct in his thinking.

As you may have observed, in America, human life is cheap.

Republican Motto

(shout out to Major Strasser)

Cuomo: Senate Bill Is ‘Drop In Bucket’

When he’s right, he’s right.


That’s bad enough but try these:

• “Bob McNamara”

• “Rand Corporation"


Your daily XKCD!

What if T---- puts Nikki Haley in the traces beside him as vp candidate. How would that affect the suburban white women and working class voters?

They can, however, borrow money. That is not disallowed.

But thank heaven for small favors. At least he can’t stick his hand directly into the cookie jar.

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Actually, if you can’t get folks ventilators, won’t they then turn blue?

(too soon?)


She won’t help him with those white voters. She’s brown.

That blue me away when I red it.

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It could be you are talking about some other provision in the bill and if so I apologize. But as for the $500B Treasury Department loan fund, they (that is Trump or his family) cannot borrow any money from it.

Democrats instead negotiated to have strings attached to it. Instead of giving the Trump administration broad discretion to make the loans, Schumer and Pelosi said there will likely be a new inspector general in the Treasury Department specifically to oversee these funds, as well as a congressional oversight panel to examine how the money is being used. Schumer’s office also announced they secured a provision that will “prohibit businesses controlled by the President, Vice President, Members of Congress, and heads of Executive Departments from receiving loans or investments from Treasury programs.” The children, spouses or in-laws of lawmakers and executive officials also cannot receive these loans.

Thanks for the correction. I thought I had read differently, or perhaps the summary I read was updated.
In any event, the Times now says this, in line with your comment:

Democrats also secured a provision ensuring that Trump family businesses — or those of any other senior government officials — cannot receive loan money through that fund, though they could potentially still benefit from other parts of the bill.

even the sharpie has a way of including states after a biggy storm passes by.
but only acting presidential sharpie’s allowed

I agree. I live in CA and we have a rainy day fund set up for our state. Over 10 billion and counting. If we can plan ahead for this sort of event, NY could have too. It’s not our (the federal governments) job to bail out states that spend every last penny they take in.

What unmitigated bullshit. Are you aware that California received back only 72 cents for each dollar it sends to Washington? Are you aware how much we’ve contributed to disaster relief to the Red states, including Louisiana, Texas, Florida and others? What’s the point of a central government if “you” can’t provide even a modicum of coordination and central resourcing?


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The federal government redistributes our nation’s wealth in all sorts of ways, including aid to states. That IS one of its jobs. In some states, federal money represents 40pct of state spending.

Emergency relief is a key part of that aid.

I am baffled by your lack of awareness about this.