Cuomo: Lowest COVID-19 Deaths Yet | Talking Points Memo

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) was optimistic Tuesday about new data from the last 24-hours that shows the lowest number of daily COVID-19 fatalities in his state since its stay-at-home order began in March.

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The most absurd reality is that tRump is president.


“Good” news.


Wait, does this mean that the measures taken actually work?


During Tuesday’s press conference, Cuomo also announced that he is set to meet with President Lumbering Scab on Wednesday to discuss infrastructure.

So wait – it really is Infrastructure Week?!?!


“That’s the lowest level that we have seen since this started. So, again, in this absurd new reality, that is good news.”

Great news for New Yorker’s but Gov Cuomo was definitely late to the pandemic. And like his father, will not take any of the blame.

Yes, he said that. And he’s said basically the same thing every day that the daily deaths has dropped. Why is this news now? Because yes, fewer deaths than the day before is good news, even if it’s fucking insane that ‘only’ 73 deaths is ‘good’. Neither part of that is wrong. Those numbers are good news. And it’s fucking insane that that’s true, but it is.

Later than would have been optimal, but took effective measures once he got his head around what he was looking at. As for the blame… he’s a politician. When’s the last time any politician said ‘yep, that’s on me. Oops’?

Obama admits fault … several times actually.

As for the blame… he’s a politician. When’s the last time any politician said ‘yep, that’s on me. Oops’?

True but both Mario and Andrew had/have outsized egos and were sensitive to any criticism. Lived with it for Mario’s three terms.

Yeah, so did I. As I’ve said in other responses: he’s a Cuomo. :shrug: I’ll take a competent—if typically arrogant and kinda dense sometimes—Cuomo over pretty much anything the upper echelons of the Republican Party has to offer right now.

Pffft. I said a politician, not “The One”. :wink: or even John McCain’s “That One”. :smirk: