Cuomo Accuser Files A Criminal Complaint Against Gov. Over Alleged Groping

One of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) sexual harassment accusers, an unidentified executive assistant, has filed a criminal complaint against the governor on the allegation that he groped her last year.

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This is the second time today I’ve referenced this phrase.

“Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

Resign and disappear or are you going to pull a Rudi?


Governor Cuomo, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. You decide.


Speaking as someone who had a Randy Rainbow crush on Andrew Cuomo last year, all I can say now is that if he loves New York and his family, he needs to do the right thing. He needs to step down now.


And it’s a D legislature this time.


Step down Governor Cuomo. There is no time like the present. Go away.


Go Cuomo. Just go.


To clarify, go from hero to laughing stock. The longer he drags this out, the more damage he’ll do to his legacy in my opinion.


“One of the attorneys, Rita Glavin, said the executive assistant’s account was “false” and that Cuomo was “stunned” when she first made the allegation in an interview with the Albany Times Union in March.”

He probably was “stunned”, just not in the way this implies.


He’s just waiting for a T**** pardon on August 14th.


How does one prove an individual put their hand under your shirt & cupped your breast.

It’s her word against his, no?

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Against his lawyer’s. Unless he should choose to testify. I hope he does; it would serve him right. A narcissist with a short temper would be roasted alive under cross-examination by a good trial lawyer.


how can he prove he didn’t do it??? thats my problem with these issues…its one person’s accusations against another person…its gottem to the point where no man , in a prominent position…should ever, ever be alone with any woman, not his spouse…women are always believed, no matter what…men must learn this…

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Oh, give me a break.

That sounds like you’re saying that every or any woman is potentially trying to take down a prominent man.

When the reality is probably much closer to the fact that more than a few men of power have been abusing women in the workplace for decades or longer. It’s just finally getting noticed, so it can be stopped.


you said that, i didn’t…you hear what you want to hear.

Yes, that is how I interpreted it.

How else does one interpret the following?


It looks like the Governor’s fantasy wish was granted - he’s f****d.

Did we ever in our wildest dreams think that for even a second that the two bluest of the blue states, CA and NY, would be at risk of going red? I’m completely gobsmacked.

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Who told you that?

Well, here in CA there have been a few ominous polls regarding the recall of Governor Newsom. Ultimately, I think he’ll survive the recall but that we are even here having to deal with this is astonishing. And the GQP will get as much mileage out of the Cuomo fiasco as they can. New York has had it’s share of republican governors.