House Oversight Committee char Elijah Cummings (D-MD) compared the racist chants at President Donald Trump’s rally about Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) to the backlash he got over 50 years ago when he tried to integrate a neighborhood pool.
Maybe I’m woefully naive, but I can’t understand how pissing off a majority of Americans with overtly racist statements is a winning electoral strategy.
I don’t think it’ll work for Trump, and it definitely won’t for down-ballot Republicans who’ll be caught trying to defend the indefensible. To me, it’s actually an easy call for Democrats -just say and do the right things and their base will vote in droves (wherever they’re not suppressed). If people of color don’t vote like their lives depends on it, I’ll be surprised.
It’s possible that they think they can win in the electoral college if enough white people vote for them in small, rural states and enough to tip the scales in some battleground states. They’ve written off the Pacific Coast and the North East. Trump could theoretically lose the popular vote by a big margin again, maybe lose more popular votes than in 2016, and still win the electoral college. And the Republicans may (will?) keep the senate.
And I think the Trumpers would love to see some violence that they could attribute to “the liberals,” “the left,” whatever. There’s going to be a lot of dirty tricks played by the GOP between now and the election.
I had no problem recognizing that he was referring to Trump. Trump was also mentioned in the article and Cummings was also referencing Trump.To be fair, the article is about Trump fanning the flames of racism. What turns me off about the post is that it resorts to hand wringing and hair on fire drama. There are too many that resort to that and it gets old.
The post also did not mention the press called Trump’s tweet racially charged and used other euphemisms. They should just say they were racist and/or hateful. Period
I’m a biracial African American man (with skin town not unlike Obama’s.
About 10 years ago I was told to “Go back home and start your wars!” By a group of people In a car speeding by me.
It was at night, while I was walking near the empty water front of my City, and I was wearing a black and a White scarf around my neck.
At the time I was Little shaken up, But now l look back and think how cowardly they were because they couldn’t confront me face to face, only from a moving vehicle.
We also need to hear from Congressman John Lewis D-AL who was beaten unmercifully when he participated in the Selma-Montgomery march in 1965. Then more recently after ACA had passed, protestors called him the n word. and spit on other members of CBC.
I was thinking about this yesterday. It seems Dem should focus on winning the states with most EC votes. While we think about maximum turnout. We need maximum turnout most in states that will make it impossible for him to reach 270 if we win those. I was thinking that should be GOTV focus. CA, TX, FL…can you win the EC without those three?
A difficult but necessary book from Colson Whitehead if we’re to understand why we are such a divided country. It began centuries ago, continues today and this book focuses on a particularly ugly episode in American history set in Jim Crow-Florida.
California will not go for Trump. Arizona is in play for the Dems. Texas and Florida are big unknowns. Their citizens have made some mighty poor choices over the past two years. A presidential election might change that. “Always in motion is the future.” Then, what if the economy worsens, or we’re at war with Iran? “Always in motion is the future.” We need to work like our very lives are at stake. The haters will get up at 4:00 AM and crawl to the polling place if they think that by voting GOP they can screw someone over.
We also know PP won’t participate in debates as he did with HRC (which will spare our candidate being stalked on a debate stage). He has nothing to say to those who oppose him, never has, and less so now that the rally rubes are locked in.
You must. It’s about 200 pp, glowing review from Frank Rich this weekend. I remain horrified with each chapter I read because the story is based on actual events, and Whitehead is a brilliant writer.
I don’t know. I think he really believes he won the three debates, in spite of the fact that scientific polling showed that he lost all three. But in a sense, perhaps he did. I remember watching the third debate with Mrs. Von Holst and saying to her, “You know, he’ll get lot of white mens’ votes after this because Hillary will look like the smart ass girl who was the valedictorian that they hated in high school or the ex wife who was smarter than they were”. Guys who resented smart women. And she murdelized Trump in that debate.
I’ll also recommend the film Green Book, another story of mistreatment of African Americans in the early Sixties with Mahershala Ali. Based on a real book,
He may very well show up because what’s a day without news coverage of what he says in any setting. It’ll be a chance to berate and belittle our nominee, even stage stalk, play to the rubes and give them talking points to echo at the next rally. But to offer something of substance to the undecided, that’s not going to happen. And of course he thinks he won all the debates. He still talks about it to this day.