Acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Ken Cuccinelli maintained that there’s no issue with his position at the agency during an interview on “Fox and Friends” Monday morning.
Judge Randolph Moss wrote in the ruling that Cuccinelli’s newly created title by the Trump administration failed to satisfy the necessary legal standard and lacked “any substance.”
Um, Judge? The cooch could be carrying the ten commandments chiseled in stone freshly delivered him by the archangel Gabriel, and he would still lack any substance.
“Cuccinelli responded that ‘various aspects of appointment have been used’ before going on a tangent about how the Trump administration is frustrated with Democrats blocking Senate confirmations.”
I know that Cuccinelli operates in a fact-free world - but could he even point to one nominee who has been blocked.
Oh, and Ken, stop your tears as I have two words for you - Merrick Garland.
Gee, didn’t donald say that he liked all these temporary replacements as they were easily removed if they didn’t cow-tow to his demands? The cuch is continuing to ignore reality.
Awww… whine some more about how those nasty Democrats won’t let the Emperor stuff the government with swivel-eyed partisan hacks at will, as if the Constitution meant something.
Fox & Friends is a joke, alright. So is Cooch, except he has done a lot of damage to a lot of people and wants to continue doing so.
And just exactly how are Democrats blocking Senate confirmations, Cooch? Last we all saw, Moscow Mitch still has a majority, nearly all of whom are too worried about their own re-election to dare to go against Trump.
administration failed to satisfy the necessary legal standard and lacked “any substance.”
But your honor, failing legal standards and lacking “any substance” is written into the administration’s mission statement. We’re trying to operate on a whim and a prayer here.