Cruz Targeted For Possible Disbarment For Boosting Election Steal Efforts In Court

No. To both. Some rando bitching about a lawyer misbehaving in court carries very little weight, even if they do have some names on their board. Outside of the attorney stealing clients’ money in trust, about the only time sanctions requests or better referrals result in punishment, is when the judge makes the referral, or when the aggrieved other party in the lawsuit makes the request.

Yeah, make the cancuntoad squirm, but this is not likely to go anywhere. And if it is even considered by the state bar, well, it’s texas.


Cruz is shown in this picture with hand over heart, swearing he is 6’2" tall, weighs 185 lbs and is 28 years old. So yeah, he is trustworthy enough to be a member of the Bar.



Tonya Parker isn’t our best judge in Dallas County, but she’s not going to put up with any of Sidney’s bullshit.

If the Bar decides to go after Ted, it will presumably be in Harris County, where the bench isn’t quite as uniformly blue as Dallas, but his chances still aren’t great. That said, his professional misconduct is way less outrageous than Sidney’s.


He doesn’t practice anyway, so all he’ll do is fundraise off this. But I like it that it’s happening all the same. He can’t get too many slaps in the face as I see it.


Ted Cruz is way, way, way overdue for his deserved comeuppance. His ego needs to be taken down quite a few pegs. He’s an asshole of the highest order, and that smug look on his face after his blathering is irritating as hell.


Please please please.

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With reference to Cruz…
I would think that lying and bullshitting as a sitting Member of the Senate would be grounds for immediate disbarment. It should also have led to his resignation from the Senate. But lying and bullshitting is deep in the DNA of most any politician because there is no comeuppance for it. But what do I know.


Powell was referred for sanctions by a Michigan federal judge, so not counterpoint. Unless you mean that the Texas bar is actually doing something with the referral, in which case, agreed. But I do not think the state bar will do anything with a complaint from some rando who was not party to the cancuntoad’s case.

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Disbarment? for Ted Cruz ?

… Hell! let’s have disembowelment !


Now we’re talking!


He was practicing in december 2020 when he attached his name to some of the filings. Funny thing, if ghoulsie had not appeared in that one hopeless election fraud case (out of the ~61 filed) and just stuck to PR lawyering, he’d still have his license to practice.


Why did I quick read this as disembowel? The mind works in mysterious ways.


The source of the referral makes no difference, although in point of fact it was submitted by a bunch of Michigan public officials. In any event, the Commission for Lawyer Discipline evaluated the complaint against Sidney, found it to have merit, and therefore filed suit to sanction her dumb and malignant ass. That’s pretty rare. If they chose to seek discipline against Sidney, I don’t see any great reason that they wouldn’t move against Ted for some of the same conduct.

ETA the Powell petition:


Like schlepping suitcases packed with beachwear is not work. Sheesh.


It may not in law, but I think in the real world it makes a difference.

…in addition to the federal judge in Michigan (Linda Parker).


Much of what Rudy lost his license over did not occur before a court. Among other matters, New York suspended his license for the Four Seasons Total Landscaping press conference and the later press conference in the hotel basement where his hair goop melted down his face. When you’re acting as an attorney, you are not allowed to lie to the press, the public, or state legislators any more than you can lie to a judge.


That’s baked into my calculations, man.

Judge Parker no doubt ordered a copy of her opinion and order to be directed to the state bar, but the complaint that initiated Sidney’s disciplinary proceeding was not filed by her. The actual complainants are listed on page 2 of the petition.

ETA: Reference there is to the federal Judge Parker, not the Dallas County Judge Parker. And note that Powell is charged for conduct she did all around the country, not just the Michigan lawsuit. I might have go down and watch for a bit when this thing goes to trial.


No matter how it comes out, this is good fodder for Cruz’s opponent in the next election.

“Ted Cruz nearly lost his law license for supporting lies in court.” Excellent


Ted’s next election is another GOP presidential primary, where I don’t think lying about the 2020 election is going to be perceived to be a bad thing.