Originally published at: Cracks Form Around Letting RFK ‘Go Wild’ - TPM – Talking Points Memo
Amid reports that the adults in Donald Trump’s room may be convincing him to put some guardrails in place on his HHS nominee — whom he vowed to let “go wild on health” — there are also reportedly some cracks forming around the nominee himself within Republican circles. But it’s not clear if the anti-RFK…
Not sure what kind of sexual Trump is, but he sure has a type.
Does this mean cholera, mumps, measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever, smallpox and bubonic plague are free to roam our Country?
Protecting unborn children from the horrors of clean water and air, access to education, parks, and healthcare. Got it.
A sobering read:
But it’s not clear if the anti-RFK contingent of Trump allies is yet strong enough to actually make a dent, let alone imperil, RFK Jr.’s ability to be confirmed as HHS secretary.
Yes it is. They are all in. GOP spines go down in fear of Donnie like the fat kid on the teeter totter.
With RFKjr’s nomination vote…
Just say “no”.
And heroin. Terrible addiction but still. He benefited from science and medicine to recover. He should be a friend of science not an enemy.
Happy to have former heroin addicts as rock stars with addled brains, e.g. Eric Clapton. But head of HHS?
That second pic has me wondering if this fool is on HGH in addition to whatever steroids he’s using.
RFK Jr. is the Mike Lindell of Dr. Frankensteins!
Yes, they, too, will be free to go wild on the health of Americans.

A sobering read:
One might be led to wonder if all the US’s “red lines” are actually just red herrings.
So looking forward to the leopards eating his face.
Especially after he sold his soul – and family cachet – to Bronzer Baphomet…
I have the suspicion that GOP senators will want to prove their “independence” and trip at least one nominee, and former Democrat RFK Jr is one candidate for that (Tulsi Gabbard is the other), after all he is a certifiable wacko, and what is he going to do if rejected by the Senate? Sue Trump?
I suspect that RFK will easily be approved because he is anti-science, the consensus policy position of the Republican party, despite Bill Cassidy’s mumbling about the issue. (Ok, so Cassidy is a MD, Republicans are often hypocrites too, so he will vote for him.)
I will be happy to be proved wrong.