President Trump, who has gone out of his way in the past week to portray himself as a strongman who’s defeated COVID-19 amid mixed messaging from the White House on his condition, floated the idea of wearing a Superman shirt after his discharge from Walter Reed last week.
That’s actually mildly funny. I mean, in a stupid, selfish, wannabe dictator way, but it’s like maybe he possesses a microscopic, vestigial sense of humor? Color me gobsmacked.
Yes, but it’s sometimes difficult to tell his (rare) attempts at self-deprecating humor from the (frequent) statements he makes about himself that we are supposed to take literally.
He is absolutely nuts right now. Whatever loose attachment he ever had to reality is completely gone. He’s free falling in the polls and that’s probably pushing him further into psychosis. It’s only going to get weirder from here, folks. I guarantee it.
The only way he could debase the Presidency more would be to film himself getting nipple rings. How I long for some decorum, competency and respect in government. Must every single goddamn norm be shattered?
Turnip hasn’t paid this much attention to his discharge since his club hopping nights in the '60’s. Trump Boasted of Avoiding STDs While Dating: Vaginas Are ‘Landmines … It Is My Personal Vietnam’
Not sure it was an attempt at humor as much as his usual do- anything- for - attention schtick. Of course, he may really see himself as Superman. In that case, I hope that he will go ahead and test his ability to fly from the White House balcony.