What’s the relevance of a short list that won’t see the light of day? Trying to scare the shit out of RBG?
No it’s more revealing than that. He’s trying to shore up his evangelical voter base. Specifically, his evangelical vote in Texas and wherever Cotton is from - can’t recall.
Arkansas. The most forgettable state.
Tough choice. Hope TX comes around and votes him out or resign yourself to having him in the SCOTUS for a couple decades.
He’s not going to be on the SCOTUS. hahahaha No choice problem here.
We came very close to voting him out and Beto in and I still think they hacked that election. It’s just a lot harder to get them back out of office once they get themselves in there but we are trying. Right now though it’s Cornyn’s turn.
One of many things Cruz and Cornyn have in common with ticks.
We need to get rid of the Triumvirate of ticks at the top on the state level - Abbott, Patrick and Paxton. They are running the machinery here that keeps these GOP in office.
I have included you on my shortlist for a very prestigious appointment. You may commence groveling, Romney-style, while I let you twist in the wind before finally picking some else who promised me more good things.
They can all dream on. The Supreme Court of the USA is currently called the Roberts’s Court after Chief Justice Roberts. IT will go down in history as The Roberts’s Court. There’s no fucking way Roberts would tolerate Cotton or Cruz on that Court. He’s been forced to save the Court’s image several times by jumping across the line and voting with the Courts liberals. He’s caved to the Conservatives as well and the Court will pay for that in years to come. Citizens United, gutting the VRA… these will not go into the history books on the plus side. Can you imagine what that Court would consider and perhaps do over Robert’s wishes if a nut bag like Cotton replaced Ginsburg? A nut bag like Cruz?
If Trump gets a nomination ( he will of he’s given a second term ) Roberts will speak out if he nominates the likes of Cotton. If Trump tilts that Court 6/3 America as a liberal state will cease to exist. All Roberts can do is go down in defeat 5/4 and I doubt he’ll do that. He’ll resign before that happens.
Yes you do but I doubt you can. They’re counting the votes. Just like here in Florida. They’re counting the votes. I don’t think Scott or DeSantis won in 2018. But they counted the votes and took their seats.
If Trump were to put a dumb ass loud mouth like Cotton or the hopelessly stupid Cruz on the SS that Court, which is essentially an arbiter of what goes down in America, would be so far to the right of the consensus American people thay’d need a telescope just to see them.
Tom Cotton is one of the most dangerous men in the USA, his lust for power makes Trump look like the bumbling fool he is. Cotton is a Hitler-level Demagogue who doesn’t care who he kills or hurts in his insatiable drive for power. He is “waiting in the wings” to take up the Trump Mantle and absorb the Trump Minions into his own Cult of Personality. Watch this man carefully.
Ted Cruz on the other hand has transformed from being the “Evangelical Whisperer” into an outright Political Whore who kisses the ass of the man who insulted his Faith, his wife, and accused his father of being a Presidential Assassin.
He is now beneath contempt, and the most hated man in the Senate. His career is basically over.
no no no
you have to be here to watch this play out.
the final chapter has begun and it’s going to be one for the ages.
We are officially off the roller coaster ride.
It’s straight down hill at full speed to the finish line. lol
It’s the SupCt, not a Confederacy of Dunces.
Gwaaad help us if any of these fuckers get on the court.
Ted Cruz was beneath contempt and the most hated man in the Senate before all of the things you listed. He was born a pedantic ass. Check out Craig Mazin’s Twitter. Craig was Ted’s freshman roommate at Yale and he has hated Ted for his entire adult life. To know Ted is to hate Ted.
He CANNOT BE SERIOUS! Sweet bleeding ge-sus!
“But really we should call him Mr. Hail Mary now.” Roger Staubauch
In a previous thread someone pointed out that Biden had told Obama that if he wanted to redo the Court he should appoint Cruz. There would be eight resignation
ETA. I see @dgsantafe beat me to this.
They both came in their legal briefs when they heard.