NEW YORK (AP) — Deaths from the coronavirus topped 1,000 in New York City as officials warned that the worst of the virus’ toll is yet to come.
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NEW YORK (AP) — Deaths from the coronavirus topped 1,000 in New York City as officials warned that the worst of the virus’ toll is yet to come.
Sadly the only New Yorker I would like to succumb is still kicking.
There were almost 1000 deaths yesterday in the US and it hasn’t really gotten started in some parts of the country. What is occurring in NYC is a preview of what is going to happen in the rest of the country in the next two weeks, first in urban centers and then into rural areas.
He changed his state of residence. He’s Florida Man now.
Trump’s being allowed to remain president points to a massive institutional failure in the United States.
Those persons who are the leaders of those institutions are accountable. Especially those who did nothing to remove Trump from office.
It was never about Trump. Trump should have been an outpatient on supervised-release at BEST (and only for several hours at MOST)
It was about actors in key positions in our institutions who decided that their own advantage superseded the welfare of this Republic.
Let us all make sure that, when not if, the U.S. per capita death rate from Covid-19 eclipses virtually every other remotely industrialized country, that blame goes right where it belongs. The massive upheaval of death and misery is the direct result of Republicans breaking, stealing blind, dismantling, the very underpinnings of our government, turning it into no more than a conveyor belt to deliver our collective wealth to The Wealthy. trump, the rottenest among us, is simply their carny barker.
That is the fear of many if not most of us…that we will let the stupid prevail.
I believe this time, however, the GOP made a horrible mistake (for them):
They have managed to convince a sizable number of their voters that they are immune from Coronavirus
Obviously he must have switched before the De Santis quarantine went into effect.
He switched last year. What did he know and when did he know it?
One thing NY should never forget to do after pandemic and grieving is done…
pay homage to their INFAMOUS Ex-resident…
It’s Year-round Fools’ Day all over the Sunshine State.
Which reminds me, where’s Rudy been lately?
Mango Mussolini gutted public health experts from NHS, DHS and HHS and shutdown approximately 80% of our off-shore public health first response organizations; they were our first line of defense. BLOTUS IMPOTUS did this while public health experts begged him not to take these actions, and they told him that it was only a matter of time before the next pandemic. Orange Anus did not listen to the scientists. The pussy grabber removed the very people and organizations that crushed Ebola and suppressed H1N1.
Why did the mentally-ill shit-for-brains do this? Was it because these people and organizations were established by his predecessor, President Barack Obama? Most certainly. Covidiot-45 has made the destruction of Obama’s legacy his top priority just for spite, regardless of the impact on American society. The benefit or detriment of US citizens is not a factor in the malevolent decision-making process.
After gutting our first line of defense, the “fucking moron” (h/t former Sec. of State Rex Tillerson) did absolutely nothing to buttress the nation against the threat of a pandemic. The federal government did not procure additional N95 masks, sterile gloves, gowns, hazmat wear, ventilators or intubation kits above the usually procured quantity. The federal government did nothing to increase the availability of medical personnel.
So here we are. Regardless to the risk to my health, when election day finally rolls around, I am voting for the Democratic party’s nominee for POTUS. I will try to vote absentee, but if that isn’t available, I will don whatever PPE I can find and assume all the risk I must to vote, for the good of my children, grandchildren and nation.
Flush the turd on November 3rd.
Touting coronavirus snake oil cures: Coronavirus: Twitter Deletes Giuliani Tweet for Spreading Misinformation - Business Insider
I knew he’d find a way to turn a buck on the skeletons of his dead fellow Americans.