Congress Passes Anti-Lynching Bill For First Time After Over 100 Years Of Trying

Ideally, I would prefer to get the names on record. Realistically, sometimes getting the job done is more important than taking down names.


Rather more means that nobody stood in its way. But in no way can be read as all of them voting in favor, they use that when they want to avoid getting on the record in opposition to something that’s politically a hot potato.

Three Republicans voted against. Three Republicans. Gee, what are the chances? What a coincidence!


Nice, although I thought SCOTUS decided that racism is over.


I’m thinking that the turning point may have been the efforts by J6 insurrectionists to lynch white Republicans…

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The Morally Depraved House Trio.

ETA: I still want to know why Mark Pocan, (D) from Wisconsin, did not vote on this bill. Becca didn’t know (she’s a great source on Western Wisconsin politicians…)

ETA2: Mark did not vote on three bills in the House on Feb. 28. One of those failed, and two others (including H.R. 55 - the anti-lynching (Emmett Till) Bill) passed. So he much have been sick, or otherwise

Records of WW2 Army executions were sealed. Some southern senator got this one unsealed.


Sheesh. Never knew that.


Not all congressional Republicans are pro-lynch, but all pro-lynch congress critters are Republicans.


Republicans are at the point where they’ll actually run on their opposition to an anti-lynching bill. One of the House miscreants actually was on Twitter arguing about the First Amendment and federal overreach.



well it places constraints on those that want to do that sort of thing
… and freedumb means no rules like that …

and heaven knows controlling what other people do should be reserved for things like … what people do in the privacy of their own home - or matters between them and their doctor …


I have photographic proof.

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Did Rand Paul finally grow a conscience? I admit to being highly skeptical on that score. Or, did the political “kitchen” just get too hot for him to handle somehow?

The anti-lynching bills were stopped by Southern Democrats, “Strange Fruit”.

Might as well put confederate hats on them going forward…