Congress Failed To Pass Paid Family Leave. Now States Are Going It Alone

On weekend mornings this fall, when Maine residents head to the farmer’s market or their children’s little league games, they may be confronted by advocates wanting to talk to them about paid family leave. In July, a coalition seeking to put a question on next year’s ballot to ensure all residents can take 16 paid weeks off for a new baby, a serious illness, in the case of military service or domestic violence, or to care for a disabled or sick family member started fanning out with clipboards to collect enough signatures.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thanks, Manchin. Really appreciate it. I’m sure your constituents are thrilled as well.


Thinking congress will pass paid family leave, when Railroad companies don’t give sick time or PTO is delusional. Should there be Paid Family Leave… OF COURSE, but we will never see it until all jobs allow you to be sick without fear of losing your position.

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It’s remarkable that the so called “family values party”, the Republicans, don’t really value families. They show this in so many ways. I don’t have spell it out. You already know.

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Primer on Finland’s pregnancy allowance and parental allowance post-reform.

If Mainers hadn’t elected that useless Susan Collins they’d already have paid family leave.

They act so righteous and Yankee up there, but make little sense.