‘Completely Inadequate’: Epidemiologists Question Abrupt End To WH Contact Tracing | Talking Points Memo

The White House’s sudden announcement on Tuesday that it had completed “contact tracing” for its COVID-19 outbreak raises far more questions than it answers.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1336977

Of course the WH did a half assed job. It wasn’t to find out anything, it was to tell people not to talk to reporters about where they were and when.


Makes sense. If there is no positive test result, there is no case.

Trumpie loves me
This I know,
because the sycophants
told me so.

(apologies to true believers who might be offended, but you gotta admit, many of his admirers are as enthusiastic as, well, many of Jesus’s admirers, and he is the Chosen One after all. He told me so.)


Inadequate? If intentional means that, yeah.

And it’s not the first time with these assholes.


“Abrupt End” implies there was an actual begjnning.



They don’t want people knowing which Republicans met with their Russian handlers recently.


“Completely inadequate” describes his presidency, the willfully negligent approach to getting the virus under control, and now Fat Nixon’s lack of concern for staying away from uninfected WH staff whose numbers shrink every day. I take heart in this, however, and a new and better Chief Executive.



‘Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, said on Wednesday that he was “baffled” about why the White House is “being evasive on this.”’

What is Dr. Jha’s excuse for being “baffled”? Has he not been following the news for the last six months? The White House is “being evasive” because they are homicidal sociopaths. And I don’t mean that as partisan hyperbole. Seriously, they are objectively homicidal sociopaths. What “baffles” me is that so many people in a position to understand, like prominent epidemiologists, for example, or the political reporters at the New York Times, can’t seem to see what’s in front of their faces.

Not to be too hard on Dr. Jha. But a lot of people in high places in this country who have no reason in the world to be sympathetic to Trumpworld are simply refusing to deal with the reality of the situation.


“I don’t take any responsibility at all.”


‘Completely Inadequate’…

To be fair, Melaria’s been saying this for many years.


I don’t think the White House did a half-assed job, as far as their goal is concerned - that goal being getting Trump re-elected. The tell is here:

“And the purpose is to mitigate further transmission of the virus correctly, it’s not to go back and identify patients zero,” Morgenstern said.

They know who Patient Zero is. NOT releasing that information is what they want to do, and they’re doing a whole-assed job of it.


We might be witnessing a real, genuine test of Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittes inside this White House.


Contact tracing would reveal how many pathetic members of the Republican Party are kissing his bare ass.


This article only further displays how this administration attempts to pull the wool over the American people’s eyes. This administration would rather lie and disregard contact tracing as a means of appearing “strong,” which is the core problem that this administration has created for itself. They have developed such a conspiratorial image that to keep up appearances they must deny reality and desperately tell Americans everything is fine. The irony is that this approach is blowing up in their faces, leading to the White House literally being infested with the virus. It is quite obvious that the Trump Administration has no actual plans to fight the virus past pumping money into a vaccine. They could not take the most basic of precautions among themselves, so how can anyone believe they can protect the rest of the country? If anything, hopefully this deceit and hypocrisy will finally convince people of the incompetence of the Trump Administration and vote him out of office. Although the election is extremely close, there is a small amount of time still left to vote, which will be extremely important in places like swing states. In fact, I recently found a Swing State Friend Finder, which helps promote voting in the states which will end up deciding the election.


Yeah, that’s it, blame the political reporters who give cover to trumPP’s lunacy every day


How many those new COVID cases in DC are from the Russian Embassy?


Oh dear. Wouldn’t that be interesting to know?


This administration operates like a sloppy corner-cutting charlatan enterprise with a total disregard for professional ethics , standards of practice, and absolutely zero consideration (actually utter distrain) for the welfare of others.


He’s not baffled. He’s diplomatic.
I’m baffled = You’re a fuckwad


My guess is that the staff responsible for performing the contact tracing don’t know how to do the job correctly.