How about a Zoom debate with 2 minutes or 5 minutes for answers, uninterrupted? The screen and audio would be suspended for the candidate not speaking.
It is either that…or stop the debates. It was a shit show.
Let him pull out. I’d like to see how badly he crashes and burns in the town hall format next time, but I’d totally give that up in exchange for not seeing Biden brutalized like that again. Ever.
Besides that, Joe won and Trump lost just about every at least partially sane undecided there is in all the swing states, and the square states, and even in Dixie
This is just too easy. Mics are muted when it isn’t your turn. Period. Strict timing with a clock showing the speaker how much time is left. When the clock hits zero your mike goes off.
That was more or less my suggestion in another thread. It would have to be broadcast on TV, but I’m sure that wouldn’t be hard to do. I would leave the non-speaking candidate’s screen on, though, so viewers could see reactions. But cut it off if he started holding up signs as a way of interrupting.
Tell them up front if they don’t adhere to the rules their mic will be shut off and then stick to it. Plus bring back the League of Women Voters to monitor the debates.
Zoom debate. It wouldn’t matter if they mute Trump’s mic. He’s loud and aggressive enough to be heard through Biden’s mic – if in fact we wouldn’t be treated to seeing stalk up behind Biden like he did Hillary.
Trump would still shout to be heard, and that would be picked up in the other mikes. They would have to be separated by a lot more space, or in separate rooms.
The problem I see with turning the mics off is that then you don’t hear how much he’s interrupting.
Kind of covers it up.
I think it would be better if the moderator spoke up more, or for every interruption gave Biden another 30 seconds (soon that would give him all the speaking time!).