Commerce IG Calls Out Trump Census Director For Sketchy Demand For Immigrant Data | Talking Points Memo

The efforts by President Trump’s cronies to politicize census data have continued to the bitter end of his administration, according to new information from the Commerce Department’s inspector general.

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There is no way that the real professionals will cave in to this blatant political bullshit this late in the game. There’s a new guy in charge in just a few days, so this pressure will result in a slow-roll. The IG is helping to reduce it, too.


It just Trump and is sycophantic minions trying to “fix” the game and cook the books. Nothing more criminal in this than anything else they’ve been doing.


All of a sudden everybody seems to have found their ovaries.


“Why is the report ‘a number one priority,’…?” she asked.

Census Director Steve Dillingham, channeling someone: “We need to identify the millions of illegal immigrants who voted illegally in last November’s rigged election.”


The prospect of mob rule has its perks. Bet it manages ED issues as well.


Dillingham told the career experts that producing the report should be their “number one priority,”

To which the career experts responded with, “We’ll get right on it.” Then they went out for a four-hour lunch.


Some of the immigrant data sets that the Census Bureau was being asked to analyze were coming from outside the Bureau, the letter said, and “employees worry that their unfamiliarity with the data sets could lead to bias or mischaracterizations of the data.”

How many think that if they push out this report they would cite where these outside data sets came from?


Nothing like a CENSUS that is “statistically indefensible”

Of course, that could be said for any part of donnie’s badministration.


If you listen really, really hard, you can hear really, really tiny nuts being squeezed really, really hard…


Well this is fucked.

All those companies springing up to telemed for men and their ED pills, and women have to drive to a clinic and go in to pick up pills.


You need to remember MisterNeutron’s Rule of Practical Law. This is an example. The Biden administration can simply ignore this requirement. They can, at their leisure, go about removing the regulation, but in the meantime, they can just fucking ignore it. It is very, very difficult to convince a court to order the government to enforce a regulation that it doesn’t want to enforce.


We need to have this “data” done as quickly as possible so it can be used in the next “election”.


Every misfire here will be a cannon if they get back in again. They are laying landmines all over government.


What in the name of dog is this shit about “monetary award” for producing the report. That sounds like something the dotard would say to Raffensberger about finding votes in Georgia. Is this political hack actually attempting to bribe the IG?

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In the end, it was not the deep state that felled the orange abomination, no, it was the mathematicians and statisticians the dealt him the cruelest of blows. “What do you mean I can’t stack the the deck for white people” he said upon learning of the delay. “I’m the fucking president! Presidents get to repress the coloureds. Am I rite?” Said the president.

Don’t worry. There is no way the Supreme Court can prevail, with the Internet supplying many of the abortion pills.

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Even when a court DOES order the administration to do this or that, the order is routinely ignored, at least in the Trump administration. The Trump administration having cleared the way, there is no reason the Biden administration can’t also ignore the court, with the possible justification that three of its members were illegitimately appointed.

As detailed in the New York Times, I believe yesterday (but check on line; I’m not sure of this), there is a whole suite of last-minute rule changes that the Trump administration is trying to get out the door before moderate Democrats regain control of the government, among them a rule to limit the ability of banks to let environmental considerations limit their lending to dinosaur fossil fuel industries, and the watering down of a rule that requires most conventional incandescent light bulbs to be phased out, so that “consumer choice” is maintained. (I do believe there is a tiny bit of justification for this, because I have found it difficult to find new-fangled bulbs that actually fit some old lamps.)

There is some truth in the illegal immigrant vote statement. At least one and a half million Martians were viewed at the polls. There were a quarter million sea lions and manatees that swam up from the west coast of South America and voted. And, so on and so forth.

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