The History Channel has a series going about Foods That Made America and we watched a half-hour episode on candy the other night. When the candy bar wars were really heating up the big boss (Hershey?) said he liked this new one and somebody over his shoulder said something like “that’s a might good bar” (I may not have that exactly right) and he misheard it as Mr. Goodbar and liked it, so they say.
Except that GQP values are the real American values.
That whole bit about overthrowing tyrannical governments is the whole reason we exist in the first place.
Gaetz, Ivanka, Jr (47!)…
I just spit my coffee out all over the room…
While I appreciate people like Romney, Cheney, and Collins are anti-insurrection (good to know), as long as they continue to stand for anti-democratic maneuvers, such as voter suppression, gerrymandering, etc., to perpetuate Republican minority rule, it’s only a small degree of difference.
They prefer the more stealthy and subtle white collar crime, as opposed to Trump’s more blue collar approach. Either way, it’s the same end result. The end of the American experiment.
I wish that Jill would have wished that the GOP would become spent and blow away (my euphemistic way of saying I wish she had wished that they would f@#k off and die).
I’m old enough to remember 2012 when Rmoney traveled to Las Vegas to kiss tRump’s ring.
I’m concerned that this might turn into a Republican catfight.
I was going to just say maybe Collins couldn’t list them on the leader board in rank choice order, and then my mind went to Family Feud- “and the survey said!”.
Yeah. It’s hard to get excited about people actually willing to count the votes and live with the results when they’re comfortably operating within a party that mostly doesn’t and goes out to prove it every day. My sister and I jokingly told our parents once they should be glad we managed to get through adolescence without being arrested once. They were unimpressed; seemed to think more was expected. That’s how I think about Collins and Mittens and that lot. More is expected to meet the minimum.
Maybe she did; she doesn’t like it when people mess with Joe. She’ll go at you if you do that.
You’re misreading them. The end result is GOP control that leads to “conservative” nirvana where we all have enough bootstraps to pull ourselves up to the top 1%, we live in a country “where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average,” and if Romney has his way we all get our own planet.
Trump cannot be wrong. He is literally God.
Now go drink beach and pray to Trump your sin of doubt be forgiven
Ladies, find yourself a man who adores you the way Joe loves Jill. And guys, find yourself a lady who will defend you the way Jill defends Joe. Theres is a beautiful relationship. One you would have thought a “family values” party would support, but then they hated that great family man, Barack Obama, too, didn’t they?
And she’s going to keep from knowing as long as she can continue to get away with it.
Yeah, well, some of those “fellow republicans” are quite ill.
Collins, Romney, and Cheney. 3 people I despise to the depths of my soul. They are no better than the insurrectionists and others like Cruz, Johnson, Lee, Scott, etc., because if they were that upset and outraged by what happened on January 6th and afterwards, they would never stay in the GOP, because the GOP allowed it to happen in the first place by elevating that piece of shit Donald Trump to virtual sainthood. Fuck them all.
The kind of relationship the Bidens and Obamas have is in fact supported by the only family values party today.