Former Trump attorney and federal inmate Michael Cohen wasn’t impressed with former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony on Wednesday.
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Former Trump attorney and federal inmate Michael Cohen wasn’t impressed with former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony on Wednesday.
Disappointed? No doubt. He went to jail while 90% of the co-conspirators are still dancing sans bars.
Much better reporting, TPM.
Adding context to reports gotten elsewhere is exactly what you guys should be doing.
Otherwise, what’s the point of being a second-hand news source?
“Mr. Mueller today had the world stage to answer questions regarding obstruction of justice and witness tampering. Sadly, his reluctance just continues to leave the debate open and those responsible free from prosecution … for the moment,” he told CNN. “The American people deserve more!”
He has a better take than Peter Baker and with textual parsimony to boot.
Mueller readily confirmed every example of Trump’s witness tampering that was brought up by the Dems. He confirmed every example of obstruction too. He did his job and his ability to ward off GOP alternative theories provided clear soundbites and messaging for the Dems.
This isn’t about what Mueller did or didn’t do. The baton is now in the Dems’ hands. This is about Nancy Pelosi’s decision. Nothing else matters. Not Bill Barr. Not Donald Trump. Not Mitch McConnell. It’s all about Nancy.
When one of the perpetrators is complaining about how yesterday went down, you have to know that it was handled badly.
Prediction: When Michael Cohen finally gets released from prison, he will promptly become an anti-Trumpist grifter.
Et tu, Brute?
I am really tired of hearing these complaints by how badly it was handled. Information that Dems wanted was put out there. We got the truth of Mueller’s report from the author himself. But, for you, the optics were bad. Well, if that’s the case, then you need to jump off the impeachment train because that one won’t take you to a better place.
I agree with Cohen. The country needed a better messenger. Having said that, I found the hearing illuminating. Those Republicans are a white sorry angry not too smart lot. Schiff was the star and so well done. I got the major points in spite of the labourous delivery. Mueller is not aging well, and there were loads of facts in the investigation.
So tell me what victory lap is being taken by the Democrats this morning? Tell me what they are doing to counter the message being brought by the Republicans?
The optics of the DAY AFTER are bad. The reporting gives no credence to what actually took place yesterday. I know the information was brought out there. It was brought out loud and clear.
But what is the media reporting on this morning that the average American is hearing? Are they hearing what was said? Or are they hearing how it looked?
Note to headline writers: be careful with gerunds.
Pelosi tried to make the press conference a victory lap, but that hasn’t gotten traction. And I have to admit, Nadler and Schiff just appeared sorry faced throughout. And Cummings, well, he tried. But he isn’t a media star. The press never cozies up to anything he says.
I feel almost the way I did when they stopped counting the votes in Florida.
It’s the way it is nowadays. Whoever doesn’t give a great Kavanaugh like performance is considered to have somehow failed. It reminds me of the line in Amadeus where Salieri tells Mozart that:
“I think you overestimate our dear Viennese, my friend. You know you didn’t even give them a good bang at the end of songs, to let them know when to clap?”
I’m just furious.
And good for you. I’m just demoralized and sad.
Of course he is disappointed, there was crimes galore in the campaign and he is the only one in the slammer (Manafort is in for something else). Maybe it is because he flipped, the ones that stayed true to Trump have been skating away.
In other news, another of Toadglans’ BFFs will remain in jail. This time it’s A$AP Rocky.
I guess his intervention with the Swedish Prime Minister was not so successful, despite Cockholster’s open invitation for those of Nordic purity to freely immigrate to the US.
Good God - all I heard from Dems across the spectrum of social media was “We need Mueller to present his report!” “We need Mueller in person!”
Well, you got it. Now what?
The people who are yammering on about impeachment don’t seem to understand that the process will be more about media spectacle than about facts. No, it’s not going to do the Dems any good to have impeachment trial and it could potentially set us back. The media is NOT on our side. The public is more susceptible to spectacle over facts because the media is shaping the narrative.
I know the information was brought out there. It was brought out loud and clear.
Wasn’t that the damn point??: Or were you expecting something to happen that would change everything?
I’ll offer that they went to her in the glow of the win that Nadler and Schiff got yesterday, optimistic that she would finally be a convert.
She told them no. Let’s get back to the business of passing legislation and let the voters take care of it in 2020.
Their hard and very promising work was shot down. Sorry faced probably isn’t the half of what they felt. Pelosi went to her cocktail party, business as usual.
Predictable script.