CNN chief correspondent John King hit back at Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) on Monday after the congressman accused CNN of engaging in “criminal activity” by reporting on his alleged contacts in Ukraine.
CNN and other outlets should have been calling “Horsesh•t:” on this Administration’s (and its lackeys’) public commentary for 3 years now. Instead they let propaganda, lies, and ignorance spout virtually unchallenged. CNN, of course, hired some of the awful people to do just that for pay.
He’s got nothing on the snarling, rabid Sean Hannity I glimpsed on the airport TV the other night, raging against the “crap” and “bullshit” the Dems were throwing at the beset and besieged Prexy. His face was literally contorted with rage, and I don’t think he was putting on a show…
“If it’s demonstrably false, demonstrate it,” the CNN anchor said.
If Nunes is going to demonstrate anything it is going to be through the interpretive dance that is his face and neck inflating into a lopsided flesh-balloon as his not-so-carefully-constructed framework of lies and conspiracies explode before his eyes.