Clyburn Backs Boebert Committee Removal But Punts It To GOP

It should, but it most likely won’t. Political reporters expect Boebert and her colleagues to act in the batshit ways that they do. And they expect that GOP House leadership will be impotent on those matters. Where’s the “sport” in reporting on that. They’ll just continue to report on the batshit, because there is sport in that.


I’m going to jump right in with those who approve of Congressman Clyburn’s moves. It is absolutely on the GQP to clean up their own mess; failure to do so, which is expected, will only make them look worse. There is a battle going on for the soul of the Republican Party; on one side, a maniacal, disturbed individual who does not understand how elections work. I’m sure there are a few “traditionalists” left, but they are outnumbered by the crazies. Meanwhile, I’m making popcorn.


May as well expect the monkeys down at the zoo to stop flinging their own poo.


With respect, I 100% disagree. Particularly as we head into a campaign year, I entirely support making McCarthy/GOP own that psychotic cosplaying banshee. Clyburn understands this better than we do–let him work.

@brian512 is entirely correct.

Except that committee service is how you get the clout to bring home pork to your district. Failing to do that pisses off your MAGAt welfare-recipients, and then they turn against you in favor of someone even more loony.

100% disagree. We don’t know the conversations b/w House leadership and the progressive caucus.



They didn’t police Trump for 4 years and made gains in the house and senate in 2020. You guys think the public is going to punish them for not policing a freshman congresswoman most people have never heard of?

Stop expecting independent refs to come in and call a foul. And get out of the DC bubble where everything is an issue people care about. Most of the country doesn’t give a shit about Boebert. No one is going to do Dems’ jobs for them.

Oh, and when Clyburn and others try to point to R’s and say ‘they don’t police their own!’ The media is going to respond with, ‘well if what she did is so bad, why didn’t she get the MTG/Gosar treatment? Must not be as serious.’


Sadly, the thesaurus has no synonym for “disarray” that starts with an “r”.


Yepper. Supreme Court case: Plessy v. Donggle, 1985.



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Not likely to be an art expert. Maybe the tattoo depicts an AR. That would do it.


Absolutely! Wouldn’t be surprised if polling for the GQP (in some states) drops every time BoBo opens her mouth. Why would you want to kill that assistance for the Dems right away? If you can use BoBo.


Somewhere in the records of the Garfield County Sheriff’s Department, there is almost certainly a photograph of Jayson Boebert’s tacky child-raping dick tattoo, and it would be a public service for some enterprising reporter to open records request that dick pic.


Yep, what did we get out of removing MTG from her committee assignments? How did that change anything? Hint: It didn’t. I prefer letting these people make embarrassing asses out of themselves and their party the same way Sharon Angle, Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, and the “I’m not a witch” lady did. They cost their party perfectly winnable Senate seats, even if only briefly.

As someone in a red state, I’ve watched the GOP hang the statements of every Democrat in the country around the necks of whichever Democrat, no matter how moderate, they’re running against. Last year, they somehow turned Amy McGrath into Angela Davis. Besides, stripping away committee assignments doesn’t magically shut anyone up. Not in the least. MTG is still on Twitter, still in front of cameras, still doing what she did before.

The GOP is already afraid a number of their highly problematic Senate candidates could sink their chances next year. Let’s not do them any favors by punishing more of their highly problematic Congressional candidates too. The onus to police their own should be on them, not on Dems. Let them do their worst.


You may be right. But I bet that a lot of people know who Boebert and Marge and Gaetz are - many more than know about any other back bencher. Half think they are great and the other half think “see, Congress sucks”.

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Actually It’s smart. They want to point out that the GOP leadership will not discipline one of their own no matter what the offences are.

Sure, it looks ‘clever’ but it’s about Rep Omar and the constant death threats against her and her family that’s at issue. Pelosi and Clyburn are still part of the old (very old) ‘D’ Party power structure and have little use for progressives in the party. Never did unless they needed their votes. Not standing up for Omar is a mistake, and if they have the power/authority to do it they should punish bitch Boebert now. And if they don’t fully support the passage of the BBB plan like progressives are doing, progressives won’t forget when Pelosi pats them on the back and says, maybe next time. Punting over to McCarthy is just cowardice.


Sawed off shotgun? Derringer? .38 snubnose?


The symbolism of putting a “rifle”…um…inside…wherever, seems a little messed up. But then, it’s the proprietress of Shooters Grill we’re talking about…


Whether they know her or not, they won’t pay any price for not policing her.

I’m seeing a lot of excuses for this decision on political grounds. Thinking in those terms on an in house issue like this is a mistake. There is nothing to be gained politically in this no matter what they do. Better to impose consequences that she will feel.


You are convincing me.


But you just know there will be a blacked out “Redacted”, or is that “Redicted” over it.


Most people know who she is by now. She gets enough publicity.