WUHAN, China (AP) — Shopkeepers in the city at the center of China’s virus outbreak were reopening Monday but customers were scarce after authorities lifted more of the anti-virus controls that kept tens of millions of people at home for two months.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1300406
Nice to see that they’re recovering from the Trump Pandemic.
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Let us not forget that China lied about Covid-19 for 3 weeks…US’ Covidiot Trump lied, denied, delayed Covid-19 response for approx. 3 months.
AND Covidiot Trump was more intent on “re-opening America” for profits rather than protect American lives in contrast to China’s draconian measures to flatten the curve. And as you can see from the FT graph below, China’s curve has flattened while US’s curve is the steepest!
Truth be told…US is fighting 2 viruses: Covid-19 and Covidiot-45, the later hopefully will be eradicated this coming Nov2020 and sent to J-A-I-L thereafter!
Meanwhile…Covidiot Trump is now busy spreading Covidiot-45 daily and infecting the truth!
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Operative word
We’re so sorry Dear Leader
The Stock market and Economy will not recover in time to let you boast and con fro reelection
Your delay in reacting has fucked us all for the foreseeable future
Times Up