Cheney Jabs Trump After Bizarre Photoshop Attack: ‘I Like Presidents Who Win Re-Election’ | Talking Points Memo

That was a good touch. There was a time when your minivan couldn’t hold its head up among the other minivans if it didn’t have about 17 cupholders.


We’ve always shared a compact car - the one before our current one had 6 cupholders - even though it was a 2 door.


I was thinking that exact thought. It’s like they think everyone gets in the vehicle with three drinks. I believe pointless feature creep is a greater problem than is commonly recognized.


But it’s still a fine piece of trolling. “Yo Florida Retiree, even compared to Shrubya you’re still a LOSER.”


Anyone who’s spent time on the tech support phones is painfully aware of that.


I still drive a mini-van. I believe my Girl Scouts put all my cup-holders and charging ports into use on every trip.


It’s too bad trump cannot behave like other former presidents. But he is a toddler in a 74 year old obese body. He will never grow up. If he was going to he would have decades ago. He can’t. He refuses. He insists on the megaphone even if it makes his an idiot.
Mercy for us would be a cardiac event that slows him down. That makes a second term impossible. That would save us.


Good for loose change, too.

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Has to be handy if they forget which beer is theirs and open a fresh one, or put a cigarette out in one and just want to stash it somewhere.


I suppose if Liz gets primaried, she could run as an independent. Say, do they have Dems in Wyoming? Do they have runoffs? Just wondering.

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That would be the front ones. Since I use that car partially as a closet that cup holders by the driver’s seat usually need to be emptied if I need to put an actual drink in there.


Don’t think either one is currently seated. Retired and some less notorious Trump-flunkies are current place-holders.

I try to not even joke about things like that. Hahahaha!


Nah, that horse has left the barn with advent of social media.

Maybe Josh M a trendsetter by quitting Tweet account?

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More cattle than people.

Probably deer

Maybe elk.

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That is certainly a possible view, and maybe it will become even more organized down the road.

Issa is the sitting congressman for Ca 50th: San Diego: and Rorbacher is safely out…
Issa, " The richest man in Congress" will run for re-election, according to press accounts.

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More public than private land. The federal government owns most of the state.

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What could or would Alito or the SCOTUS en banc have done if Congress opted to reject counting ballots from certain electors? That’s easy–Tell Pence he cannot disregard the votes of duly-certified Electors.

Regardless of the Elector’s votes, it was still up to Congress to certify who would become the P and VP for the next 4-year term, and Congress chose Biden and Harris to serve as the next P/VP for a 4-year term.

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True. But Alito, Thomas, and Kavanaugh have voiced an openess to overturning state voting laws in contravention to state constitutions and established statutes should the opportunity present itself. So if the election had come down to a few thousand votes in one or two states, they might have pulled a Bush vs. Gore. It didn’t happen, but the RWers on SCOTUS have shown themselves to be pretty sketchy when it comes down to even the basics of the constitution and the laws.

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