Census Tweaks Its 2020 Count Plans Due To The Pandemic

March 30, 2020 5:46 p.m.

The Census Bureau is continuing to adjust its operations in light of the coronavirus outbreak. On Saturday, the Bureau announced it was extending its freeze on in-person operations until at least April 15, after previously delaying them until April 1. Here are some of the other tweaks COVID-19 has forced the Bureau to make to its survey plans, via a chart created by NALEO: The deadline for self-response to the survey has been extended from the end of July to mid-August. Its initial round of non-response follow up has been pushed back until at least May 7 The Mobile Questionnaire Assistance program won’t begin until at least mid-April, a delay from the original plan to launch the program at the end of March. Lawsuit Seeks To Loosen WI’s Mail-In Ballot Requirements: As the pandemic ushers in a major expansion of absentee voting, voting rights advocates have sued Wisconsin to relax one of the requirements the state’s imposes on mail-in ballots. Specifically, Wisconsin mandates…

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1300612

The fascist wing of the GOP continues its attempts to suppress voting. Vote these people out of office while we still have the chance to do so. As far as delaying the census, just more incompetence and foot-dragging by the Trump “administration.”

From the GOP’s perspective, they would just like to see the census cancelled and go with the 2010 numbers for the next 10 years.