The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reportedly considering new guidelines urging people to cover their faces with scarves or any other cloth item from home when venturing outside as a protective measure against the COVID-19 outbreak.
Under those guidelines, the CDC would still maintain its position on social distancing while discouraging healthy people who do not work in health care from using surgical masks due to the fact that such masks only serve to protect users from infecting others and does not shield the user from airborne particles.
Why would cloth such as scarves or bandanas be considered effective but the cloth in surgical masks isn’t?
I believe the reason for a mouth and nose covering on one’s face is not as a preventative picking up the virus from others but as a mechanism to prevent the shedding of the virus to others in particular if you happen to be asymptomatic.
There are lots of people that haven’t been tested and don’t know if they test positive for this coronavirus. As a precautionary method, to avoid passing on what many may already have in their system, this may in some way prevent some droplets from being passed onto others or be transferred to surfaces by blocking one from touching one’s mouth and nose.
When all this began back in January people here made light of people in other countries where they walked around with masks on. I always thought it was kinda a good thing. It showed they were conscious of the threat and were at least taking some measures to prevent person to person transfer. Along with gloves…it seems to me it couldn’t hurt. Is it foolproof…probably not.
It’s quite the shame that the incompetence now rampant at the CDC is going to induce people not to listen too much to them. Too bad they didn’t consider their own (forthcoming) advice when dealing with members of this inept government.
Yo CDC. Until you can make up your minds about masks how about you check this out. This is a clear sign that Graham is more interested in preaching hate than helping people.
Volunteers for Franklin Graham’s NYC COVID-19 Tent Hospital Must Be Anti-LGBTQ-
Evangelist Franklin Graham ‘s group Samaritan’s Purse helped fund and erect a “68-bed respiratory unit” in Central Park, in New York City.
That’s great. They have the funds — $664 million to be exact — and they’re helping people with it.
We believe God’s plan for human sexuality is to be expressed only within the context of marriage, that God created man and woman as unique biological persons made to complete each other. God instituted monogamous marriage between male and female as the foundation of the family and the basic structure of human society. For this reason, **we believe that marriage is exclusively the union of one genetic male and one genetic female.
… we believe that God will reward the righteous with eternal life in heaven, and that He will banish the unrighteous to everlasting punishment in hell.
And then there’s a section requiring volunteers to oppose abortion in all cases, including rape and incest.
We believe that human life is sacred from conception to its natural end …
This Senator is not having it: State Sen. Brad Hoylman , is asking for that
I can’t imagine that Dear Leader would agree to a mandate to wear masks, because that would signal that things weren’t under control, and that, perhaps, even May 1 might be a little optimistic for all of our economy roaring, church packing, beach crowding, fireworks popping, tank parading, Trump worshiping celebrations that he hopes to have happening when he wins this war.
JoAnn Fabrics has kits to make them as well. My sister-in-law kicked out 40 of them on her sewing machine over the weekend. She dropped them back off where they will give them to local hospitals. They are cloth, so again its just to prevent or lower the infection rate by the person wearing them from shedding the virus if they are asymptomatic and haven’t yet been tested I believe.
Under those guidelines, the CDC would still maintain its [position]on social distancing while discouraging healthy people who do not work in health care from using surgical masks due to the fact that such masks only serve to protect users from infecting others and does not shield the user from airborne particles.
So if we would have had guidance early on to wear masks, and enough to go around, then we could have kept people who are infected from infecting others, thus leading to less sick people and the medical community not needing as many masks to treat the sick. Especially with so many asymptomatic disease spreaders walking around and lack of testing, thus not knowing who are actually “the healthy people” the CDC mentions above.
This has been one cluster fuck after another. If we would have been prepared, including proper funding and staffing for the CDC, keeping the pandemic expert in place in China to track these things there, keeping the NSA team in place that Obama created, we could have reacted much more quickly. If we would have then had proper testing in place, we could have identified those who had the disease and properly quarantined them, in addition to distributing masks, which we should have had in an ample stockpile, to those who need them the most, including those who test sick, thus keeping them from infecting others, even if they appear “healthy”.
These total asshats have made this much worse by trying to downplay the severity in order not to spook the markets or hurt dear leader’s poll numbers. Enough already, we need plain speak, facts, and how about a cohesive National plan that is proactive and not one that is barely reactive.