The first question should be how much are deaths being underestimated?
The second question is could people have obtained the anti-bodies through other sources than getting the virus, say a flu shot or another illness or …
That is I hope the CDC is looking for commonality among people who have anti-bodies without ever knowing they had the virus. My concern is we may already have a vaccine, something that was made for something else like the 1998 flu season, and not know it.
There is no cross-reactivity between coronavirus and flu. There is some with the coronaviruses that cause common colds. The good tests distinguish them. New York State did a lot of antibody testing and the rates of positivity were much higher in NYC than upstate, which would not be the case for flu or colds, so that argues that the tests are specific.
Yes, and No.
Most (all) countries are reporting positive PCR tests, not Antibody tests, so PCR is the standard one has to go by for death rates.
Additionally, asymptomatic and folks who don’t feel well but never get tested are part of every influenza, so that fudge factor is part of every flu death rate.
The take-home message for the especially virulent Covid-19 is don’t underestimate it. Many peoples have it and could be spreading it.
This was reported by Ari Melber, and then a panel discussed the ramifications of the poor response by the federal government Trump administration. Then a doctor noted that they’re seeing cases where more people are at risk, not just the elderly, but anyone with some kind of health issue (she said about 60% of the population have an underlying health issue). Really young children are not as risk as much, although there have been deaths there. But it is affecting younger people, and the long-term prognosis for a return to a full recovery is not assured.
And insurance companies are trying to figure out how to not cover the damage on the bodies of those who have recovered. They are claiming that those heart and lung conditions were there before COVID. Dirtbags
I know it was only a week or so ago that I pre-minisced about the coming electoral map’s blue tide. I say we print a predictable map and send it to 1600PennAveDC.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Robert Redfield on Thursday estimated that the number of COVID-19 cases in the country may be 10 times higher than reported, which means that the actual amount of cases may top 20 million. “Our best estimate right now is that for every case that’s reported, there actually are 10 other infections,” Redfield told reporters on a call Thursday, according to NBC News. Redfield also pointed out how the novel coronavirus “causes so much asymptomatic infection.” “The traditional approach of looking for symptomatic illness and diagnosing it obviously underestimates the total amount of infections,” Redfield said.
Gee, sounds like a really good idea to expand testing and obtain a really accurate picture of the state of the pandemic. You could then address the severity with appropriate policy changes at local, state and national levels…but, Nooooo!
The small-fingered Vulgarian doesn’t want real numbers. He wants fake numbers. Teenie-weenie tiny numbers, that will make him look biglier and yuge in the eyes of his sycophants, thralls and idiots.
Can we assume the death rate might go down after successive waves of infection? Imaging that when the flu was first introduced into the population it had a greater impact on mortality rates and curious how this might play out since it’s been decided that we’re living with the Covid-who knows what the 19 means.
Because he’s a fucking moron and a willful ignoramus. Using his deranged thinking, a woman can’t get pregnant if she never takes a pregnancy test.
Right after this asshole loses by a landslide in November, can we please impeach the motherfucker again? For the sake of history? Force a Senate with a hopefully lame duck majority leader to deal with the bitter fruit of his impending loss of power (and perhaps retirement)? We might actually get a real trial this time. If the GOP claims that a trial would detract from addressing other national crises, I would ask them if they can walk and chew gum at the same time, since most adults can multi-task quite well. I would also mention that the GOP has been creating national crises and serious national security issues since Jan 2017, and ignoring massive rampant corruption while also refusing to correctly address the pandemic.