Former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro announced his endorsement of Elizabeth Warren just four days after he withdrew from the race.
Good for him. In a nomination race this close and this important, it speaks well of a withdrawing candidate to tell us who he thinks is the best remaining choice. I don’t recall any of the other ex-candidates doing that so far. Now I’d like to see him get out on the road and campaign for her, especially in Iowa.
This should at least put him in the mix. Castro is a fighter, and it’s a good demographic pick that would drive Trump to be the most bigoted version of himself. But it would not put Texas in play, and he does not bring much gravitas to the mix.
Mine too. And still no one bothers to ask Sanders specifically how his M4A works, which is supposedly similar if not the same as Warren’s plan. But unlike Warren, who the media continues to pillory almost daily (lots of unstated and not so subtle misogyny in that effort, imo) for having at least the gumption to explain her plan to the public, Sanders has gotten off scot-free on this same idea. By being vague about how he will make his ideas work when you actually compare the two he benefits from no focus on his ideas, and she’s made to take the heat for being forthcoming.
If she loses in Iowa,New Hampshire,Nevada and South Carolina,it won’t matter what the boost in Texas might be. Right now she’s behind in all 4 and Castro never even got to 4% in those states.
She won’t. Or rather, those supporters likely to move to her, have already done so. They weren’t sitting on the sidelines waiting for Castro to give them orders.
That being said, this is not very surprising. They were pretty tight on the campaign trail, and I strongly suspect he is her top choice of VP if she gets the nomination.
But I think her chances of getting the nomination are waning rapidly.
Castro never polled very high as a candidate, but he has been a staunch voice for progressive policies, and it speaks very well of him that rather than sit on the sidelines calculating Biden might win and pick him as VP, he has thrown his support behind the candidate he thinks can best effect the change he wants to see in society.