Cash-Strapped Election Offices Have Fewer Resources After Bans On Private Grants - TPM – Talking Points Memo

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Who needs democracy and election workers anyway?
As trump said about epidemiologists just before the pandemic struck “they just stand around and collect their paychecks”

critter picture…


If your objective is to steal an election, stripping funding from those who administer them is part of the scheme.


As was pointed out, in Wisconsin, 86% of the money went to the largest (most populous) counties, which happen to be Democratic. It was used primarily to buy protective gear. You know, like what GQP Assembly Leader Robin Vos wore to tell everyone how safe it was to vote. That gear was required at that precinct - his - where his wife was a poll worker. Huh.


From cnn… apparently there are a shit load of brain dead folks in America…

61% of voters see Biden’s presidency so far as a failure, CNN poll shows

… … … … …
I guess ol Joe’s a failure because he acts with decency and compassion and isn’t a slime covered lying, vain narcissistic criminal carnival barker selling broken down Yugos and calling thrm hand built Maseratis


I wonder how you even ask a question like that and expect to get a meaningful answer.

He has failed to bring about the Millennium in three years, so that’s that, I guess.

“Anything that helps dismantle the system of free and fair elections in this country is a winning strategy.”
— Every Rethugliklan Ever



Joe killed it at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner last night.

If the law really needs to be changed, then there should be an absolute gag order on reporting any precinct results for one week after the election or until every precinct reports 100% counted. Whichever is greater.

So if (say) it takes Racine 11 days to hand-count every ballot because the kite wing runts in Madison refused to spring for an optical scanner, then the whole USA should have to wait 11 days for Wisconsin’s result.


It is self-fulfilling prophecy writ large. Cripple the vote count and then have huge leeway to complain about vote tampering and illegal voting and results not fast enough.

I did help with the vote count in my WI village a few years back. The State would not allow the early voting to be counted until the polls opened on Election Day. Had the two of us that scanned those ballots not been there, the election clerk said they’d’ve been there well past midnight.

As I recall, it took some four hours to scan all the ballots,


What these yahoos can’t seem to comprehend is that manually tallying ballots isn’t counting 1, 2, 3. It’s starting at the top and reading off every individual from President down to local school board (and log those write-ins!), plus ant referendums or constitutional amendment questions. That can be well over a dozen, per ballot, to read and count correctly. And don’t forget that mail in ballots have even more verifications before counting even starts. Now think of a larger town, let alone a city like Milwaukee, and it’s a disaster.

Every year, bipartisan legislation to approve verifying the absentee ballots the day before election day - not counting even, just verifying - dies without ever making it to the floor. Even with optical scanning, those absentee ballots become that infamous “vote dump.”


That’s if you’re doing entirely manual counts. In North Hudson, they had ballot scanners. That speeds up the process considerably.

But they don’t need to comprehend the process. As far as they are concerned, no matter the process, it’s corrupt and, by not funding additional technology and people to manage the process, they have something more to complain about.


When did the opinion of village idiots people brainwashed by repeated false claims on right-wing media become newsworthy?

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