Carson Doubles Down On Derogatory Comments About Trans Women

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson defended his comments disparaging transgender women on Friday night.

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Carson told Carlson. “I say everybody has equal rights. Nobody gets extra rights.”

it appears Carson gets an “extra” right to bring his wife in to spend $31,000 on a table, then when it gets investigated by IG, he gets another “extra” right of not making her answer investigators questions…


I think Carson was sending Ms.Carlson a secret message that it’s not cool being a transgender person even if you dry hump Trump’s photo 10 times a day!!


It never ceases to dumbfound and amaze me that Carson was once a celebrated neurosurgeon.


Ask any woman, nothing scares them more than big hairy trans-women. And any man will know, the quickest path to having your way with vulnerable homeless women is to cross-dress at shelters.


“Big hairy men”


This is the Republican form of an apology. They always double down when they know they are wrong. It is just a cultural thing.


“Carson continued to defend his comments on Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s program on Friday night.”

Where do you start ? Brick through TV moment I would imagine.


I guess he’s too dumb to recall that not that long ago, people of his ‘type’, namely African American, were considered not fit to share bathrooms with whites.
I just finished watching POSE on Netflix, about the minority transgender community in NYC in the late 80s, and the culture and community they created for themselves after having been thrown out of the mainstream. I recommend it. Carson should watch it, but he won’t.


Maybe he practiced on himself.


“I think we have to look out for everyone, and we need to use our intellectual capabilities to find common good rather than attempting to always stir up controversy through identity politics.”

The most clear and concise statement of GOP ideology I have read in a long time since 1984. :upside_down_face:


The Trumpian way to solve this problem is to do away with women’s shelters. After all nobody should get extra rights. What say you Pastor Jerry Falwell? How about you Pastor Franklin Graham. Women should know their place is at home serving the men who abuse them. .


Is there literally no one who works for him who isn’t a vile and bigoted monster? Like the rest of them Carson seems to feel that only his (creepy) views, needs and wants matter, and that everyone else has to kiss his ass and accept it. It’s a whole culture of predation, selfishness and paranoia and fucking 42% of Americans are ok with it. A democracy can’t survive that for long.


“Carson sent out an email to HUD staffers on Friday following the backlash over his comments deriding homeless transgender women as “big hairy men” who were trying to infiltrate women’s shelters.”

Hey, Ben, when you start talking about needing “to use our intellectual capabilities” and that “everybody has equal rights,” perhaps you should know and acknowledge and express that transgender women are not “big hairy men” - they’re women. And you should have some empathy and compassion for homeless people, a too big majority of whom are transgender youth, often because they have parents with the same prejudicial mindset as you.


That reminds me… hockey season starts up soon.


In the past the terms “Rocket Scientist” and “Brain Surgeon” among others have been used to designate high intelligence. “Brain Surgeon” has been eliminated from the list


Another failed republican presidential candidate here to remind us of how easy it is to elect a completely unconscious, venal mobster to the White House.


The climate denying Republicans are trying their best to eliminate from the list anything having to do with scientist, too. Actually, Republicans are trying to eliminate anything having to do with academic accomplishment or intellectual ability at all - not just from the list, but from any position in government.


They’ve been successful for decades. It’s one reason we are where we are today. They would like the public to be uneducated too. They fear intelligence for obvious reasons.


Vilifying “the other” is such hard work, especially when “the other” appears to be in the majority. I might be more receptive, if I actually believed that he cared about the abuse of (cis)women (or children, or any people for that matter, other than those who sign his paycheck)

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