This story first appeared at ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox.
David Carter, director of the Intelligence Program at Michigan State University, said that sometimes, the best intelligence in the world doesn’t translate into adequate preparedness. Perhaps the security officials responsible for protecting the Capitol simply could not envision that a crowd of Americans would charge through a police line and shatter the glass windows that stood as the only physical barrier to entering the building.
And yet these same security officials were asleep when this happened this Spring.
Yes, the prior examples used before Trump came to office was the “out of hand celebrations” of fans when some one’s sports team won a national championship.
I’ve seen comments from retired CH police. It’s NOT that they weren’t ready, it’s that they chose not to prepare. They chose not to have support, they chose not to have mounted police, they chose not to have dogs; they chose not to have effective barriers. The entire CH force needs to be expunged.
Just want to say that I think we can expect more execrable behavior from Trump in the next two weeks. He seems to be quite good at toning things down and appearing to have some stability after one of these episodes. But it never lasts more than 24-36 hours.
We can speculate on what he’ll do, but we can only ask: “What will he do next?”
This wasn’t a security failure. This was a riot by white people and the police acted the way they always act when white people riot. They treated the perps with deference and kid gloves. If there had been black people openly discussing an assault on the Capitol for weeks, DC would have been in lockdown, armored cars on the streets, and thousands of officers in full riot gear. If BLM had breached the Capitol, they would have been carted out in body bags.
This wasn’t a failure of security. This was white privilege - ETA: and rank racism - on display.