Capitol Police Surveillance Cams Caught Pelosi Home Break-In

It’s an unfamiliar to older people thing that happens on college campuses and there’s a certain humane niceness to it, so it’s triply infuriating because it just is.


No, Dan.

They’re complicit cogs in the 24/7 GOP Bullshit Machine.


If she wasn’t at home at the time, they wouldn’t have really needed to monitor it more closely. I would think they would be focused more on her current location (wherever she stays in DC).


For a moment I though it was the Viet Cong flag…


Why does Fox News have to be such whiny little snowflakes? Someone oughta slap them until they grow a pair and quit bitching.


True, especially at 2 in the morning

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Fuck The Intercept. I once respected Froomkin, but that was before he lost his way.



He should order SCOTUS to provide him with a brief on whether or not he should appoint a panel of historians (they do disagree sometimes, you know), and if so, why they didn’t.


530 in the morning in D.C., likely heading towards a shift change, 1,800 cameras to monitor, Capitol Police are quite understaffed due to excess retirements after J6, trying to hire an additional plus-up of 280 on top of replacements for departures.

Not seeing anything here that’s not just a product of you get what you pay for, and we can’t expect them to get to perfection if we’re not going to adequately staff, support, and fund them to do the level of work expected of them.

Not catching one single guy at one location sneaking through the back garden and smashing a glass door pane isn’t exactly surprising.


Trump will be indicted.


Just the thought of Jr sawing off the tail of this tame dead animal, holding it aloft as a trophy, makes me want to retch.


Typical MAGAT…


They just need that rage against the world to be re-stoked and they’re running out of things to rage against.

Wait until the election. They’ll find new stuff.


When Trump was president, he had a tweet out in time for the news cycle every day that either twisted an existing story or was just outrageous enough to distract from whatever current crime he was committing. It was insane, but to people too dumb to know better it felt immediate. And the media aided and abetted him every step of the way. People still responding to whatever outrageous thing he said yesterday were drowned out by what he said today.

After 5 years (including the year prior to election 2016) of this reality show bullshit, Americans became conditioned to this poisonous way of occupying the office. Now, when something important happens, some new horror from the Right, Biden makes a speech about it - 3 or 5 or 7 days later. He is doing what he promised, trying to bring us back to sanity.

Unfortunately, after the constant firehose of shit that was Trump, these responses seem slow and dated by comparison. As much as I hate what we are becoming, the Dems need to amp up and speed up their responses. I knew we were getting the shitty end of the stick when major networks started deciding it wasn’t important to cover a presidential speech live. It is only too obvious that all the media really wants now is a fight - presidential addresses about important topics are just boring now - right?


Yes. And the issue is?

('cause if he can time travel and be born in two different places he can cause a Hurricane.)


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Certainly what the cameras are monitoring is prioritized. The private residence of the person second in line to the Presidency, and leader of one half of Congress, would seem to be a TV screen that was viewed a bit more often and carefully than one on a traffic pole near Columbus Circle.

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Can we start with the America First policy, or does he get a free pass because of American Exceptionalism?


If she was in residence, absolutely. I expect they were closely monitoring wherever she lives while she’s in D.C.