Democrats are ready to tear their hair out as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) staunchly refuses to let them raise the debt ceiling in a blatantly political ploy to sow chaos in their efforts to pass both the bipartisan infrastructure bill (BIF) and the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill containing Biden’s sweeping agenda for social benefit expansions.
If the media doesn’t go all batsht about how STRONG Mitch is and how SMART the Republicans are and how much BETTER the GOP is at messaging, maybe THIS time we can show the public that we are paying for past bills…so in REALITY they are paying for the massive giveaway to the wealthy. How are you feeling NOW, sheep? All you tax dollars are NOT building roads and libraries…they are lining the pockets of the space raiders…
Game theory states that to win a game of chicken one driver must throw the steering wheel out the window so that the other driver sees that the choice is between one player’s losing and both players dying. The fear here is that McConnell has done just that, along with his GOP enablers (like Susan Collins, who will vote the raise the debt ceiling if, and only if, Biden drops the human infrastructure package in its entirety).
Perhaps Biden also needs to throw his steering wheel out the window, so that the choice is between both stopping and both dying (also known as mutually assured destruction).
He can and he will. Actually he will do it just because he cans. His purpose is to destroy Biden presidency and he is not going to let the opportunity pass. The bigger the financial chaos the more likely the Republicans will recover control of Congress.
As always Democrats disappoint once again, and it goes beyond the ManSinema traitors. The complete failure to think ahead and recognize that Republicans are out to destroy them and act accordingly. While Democrats were made a mess of the infrastructure bill, Republicans were waiting to whack them with the debt ceiling.
Remember rank and file GOP voters care more about the cultural wars than they do about the economy and are more than willing to suffer economically as long it assures their guys will get to run the show. So yes default is very much an option as it guarantees landslide in 2022, further obstruction will mean a ruined presidency and return of Trump for 2024 and this time it will be with a vengeance. Somehow Democratic officials fail to understand that.
Biden will sooner get help from Donald Trump that from those two; those are already in anti-vaxxer mindset, “No, no, no”, they don’t even bother to explain their reasons because they are all ridiculous and nothing will make them change their mind. Biden needs to get out the stick, they need to get punished.
“Sen. Roy Blunt (R-CO) told the New York Times that “40 or 45” of his fellow Republican senators would bravely allow a vote for increasing the debt limit if their ballots weren’t public.”
I think all he said was that 40-45 of them would vote for cloture but are too cowardly to own their votes publicly. Sounds about right to me. Almost all of them are primarily cowards. The other handful are radicalized twits.
Editorializing: “But that would still leave Democrats five senators short of what they need to break through the filibuster, Blunt noted.”
What he actually said: “It has to be everyone,”
This could also be interpreted to mean nobody is breaking ranks unless they all do…despite that most of them would do it if they could do it secretly.
In the end, it’s rather ambiguous because of how he said it and how it’s chopped up.
So, Schumer is trying to shame the shameless turtle? That seems like a fool’s errand.
With Manchin doing MM’s bidding by
1, Refusing to get behind filibuster reform or carve out for DL. &
2. Publicly chastising Schumer for NOT using reconciliation to raise the DL.
D’s are hurtling toward a date with economic disaster which the corporate media will place at their doorstep & light it on fire for their less than deep thinking audience.