California Trolls Texas With Assault Weapons Ban Modeled On Controversial Abortion Law

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a bill modeled after Texas’ anti-abortion law which allows private citizens to sue as a means to enforce a ban–except California’s new law is about assault weapons.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

When Enron was a viable company, female executives were steering toward a future of pipelines and infrastructure. Male execs were trying to sell all that to build out energy marketplaces and financial razzle dazzle.

It was like dad trying to sell mom’s refrigerator to buy more Old Crow.

Not sure if it’s the same but to my ear it does rhyme.


Gotta love Newson’s trolling!! Gives SCOTUS reason to strike down Texas law…


Men play and women pay.


Much will be made of Gorsuch’s clever “bearing arms and bearing children” wordplay in the decision.


It’s time these churches were taxed.


All churches should be taxed and subject to truth in advertising. Priests and preachers will all be in prison if they were selling something other than salvation.


Since the current SCOTUS bench doesn’t believe abortion is a constitutional right, given that the Founding Fathers didn’t include it anywhere in the text, and that guns are specifically mentioned in 2A, yeah, they’ll strike down the CA law without so much as a hearing. Shadow docket, here we come.

My final week on this project and another has presented an offer to start in the next week or two. I found this one over the weekend, and it’s true today:


Someone figured out how to make this pastor pay.


OT: This video from Beto O’Rourke’s Panhandle and west Texas oil patch campaign swing a few days ago. The Texans among you will of course know that that part of the state is not politically friendly territory for Beto or for Dems more generally, and so they should be mightily impressed by this–especially how the campaign doesn’t edit out but deliberately includes Trumpers in the crowds, and how he engages with them.

I don’t know if he’ll win, but man this is a smart, smart ad.


Why is a Bishop in possession of half a million in jewelry? Square that with “sooner a camel pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man the gates of Heaven”. How much good in the style Christ advocated could be done with that bling?

This isn’t a God fearing man. In fact there’s ample reason to see this man as a poser and opportunist.

“”“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”""

Matthew 6:19-21


Prosperity gospel is a real thing and greed is a terrible thing.

I’ve mentioned this before… the hypocrisy you see in front of you is directly in proportion to the size of the cross around their neck.


Word. In my case, I’d add, “In today’s case I’m ready to do things, but AWS has decided it isn’t ready to allow me to do things. Meanwhile, the teenager at the IT help desk says, 'Oh, please let me restart your AWS WorkSpace.” Sure. You guys tried that five times on Friday (without success), and at least twice over the weekend, and then again this morning. But this time it will work, right?

Yeah, I read bedtime stories to my grandchildren, too.


I have often thought about the 2016 election. Of course, there were many factors in Hillary’s loss: her lackluster retail poltical skills, tactical campaign mistakes, the endless Benghazi hearings, James Comey’s 11th hour email investigation announcement, etc. However, I keep coming to the conclusion that the main reason she lost is that she was a woman. In America, as BO proved, even a Black man can become POTUS, but misogyny is a force with tremendous power: perhaps even stronger than racism.


Prosperity gospel is an oxymoron. “it is more blessed to give than receive” are the words that drive Christianity…or used to.


Down thread post



Here’s what we woke up to in our back yard this morning.

Time to remind myself how to run a chain saw.


It’s not a good idea to buy into your opponents BS. Clinton ran a good campaign and was an excellent candidate. She should have won but did not. You mention the Benghazi crap and there was also the emails crap. Comey docked her 2 to 5 % with his crap as well. Much of the MSM no recognizes that they ran with “what about her emails” way too much and did so on GOP cues to do so. In the end what about her emails? Not squat in them. They ran with “Benghazi Benghazi and Benghazi” but never explained why the Sec. of State would be held responsible for a consulate attack ( there were many of them in the Bush years and no such thing was done to Powell ) and in the end what about Benghazi? Nor did any of the saintly MSM’ers address the fact that as soon as the election was over so was interest in all things email and Benghazi. What they did do was buy into alternative excuses for her loss. “flawed candidate”, “poor campaign” “not ready for a woman POTUS” rather than say they head faked the USA with GOP crap about her ( much like they used GOP taking crap to tank Al Gore ) and were wrong in doing so. Some have fessed up. Most have not.

Clinton’s run was as good as any. It was GOP designed and MSM placed hurdles for her that tanked her. Don’t buy into the excuses for those that gave us Trump and now know that was a horrible thing to do.


This quote of John Kenneth Galbraith is popping up a lot recently …

  • and seems to apply to this “prosperity Gospel” rubbish

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. "