The butterfly center is no place for old MAGA men.
And being right on the Rio Grande, you’d figure their sex dungeon pizza parlor would flood on a regular basis. Hardly seems sustainable…
The actress Eva Longoria as well as others have discussed their family history predating Texas statehood. Her family lineage goes back to the 1600’s as she said “we didn’t move, the border did”.
In recent years there have been lawsuits over the wall or barriers, one that was featured in a 60 minutes segment about a 400 year old church near the border that was suing due to the abuse of eminent domain.
My former BIL’s family is the same. You kept your family bible, land grant from the King of Spain, and any other land deeds in a very secure location.
The “Lowe’s associate” had better be actual Secret Service. I wouldn’t think Treasury would like it if someone identified as their federal LEO while committing an assault.
Don’t tell anybody, but I got my anthrax dispersal device hooked up to the ventilation system for this event too.
I am beginning to think Coca Cola’s changing their formula years back may have had unintended consequences. Otherwise I cannot explain the over abundance of these loons.
I was just Googling the Butterfly Center’s location. There is a quite a bit of land that is us property on the other side of the wall. Heck there’s even a state park on both sides of the border wall.
I will not be surprised if the MAGAs break into the Butterfly Center and occupy it. They will come armed to the teeth . The take-over and trashing of Malheur Wildlife Refuge was not that long ago.
The oft-cited Voltaire quote, those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,* comes to mind with these Q/MAGA types but its more likely a stepwise process of going deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole until it becomes possible to believe anything at all including denial of humanity to or demonization of those you assault (while the right-wing grifters grin as their profits roll in).
*the line in #11 of Voltaire’s Letters on Miracles more accurately translates to, “anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices,” but close enough.
You don’t want to build anything too close to the river, as it does flood from time to time.
And even if she is, I hope there’s disciplinary action against her for participating in this and claiming that being Secret Service allows her to go anywhere she wants.
First, they came for the Lepidoptera …
As we all know, butterfly lovers are extremely belligerent. I’m sure that if any trouble went down, they started it.
I was under the impression that the Spaniards and French opened up the territories and Mexicans as we think of them, began to immigrate in at that time. Until then it was occupied by the indigenous tribes. Tracing the roots I imagine could be difficult in the context of what is discussed.
Land grants could not occur until the Spanish were in presence for example. And defining Mexicans can get complex as well.
I live here. I think I’ll stay home this weekend.
The physical altercation part sounds fishy. Never a good idea to put hands on anyone first. That in itself can be assault, right?
Has anyone checked the immigration status of those “butterflies” flitting back and forth across the border ferrying drugs on their cantaloupe sized wings?
Well yeah, but some of these doofuses make it sound like places like the Butterfly Center are right on the river bank.
And having the Missouri River to my north, Mississippi River to the east, and the Meramec River to the south of me, I know about river flooding. Now living on a coast with hurricanes, that I do not know, nor want to know. I like to try and keep my natural disasters more localized.
Yes, my former BIL’s family has a land grant from the King of Spain for land in the Valley, Premont to be exact.