Bush v. Cheney | Talking Points Memo

Whatever you think of George W. Bush, I think you have to concede that, in some respects, he’s been personally gracious towards Barack Obama and his family since election night. I say this with the obvious, massive caveat of the Blair House incident in which the government-owned guest residence across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House was not made available to the Obamas when they decided to move to Washington a little more than two weeks before the inauguration so their daughters could start at Sidwell Friends as soon as the Quaker school’s winter break ended. Still, in its public pronouncements Bush has been generous towards Obama and the interaction between the families seems to have been nice, what with Jenna and Barbara showing Sasha and Malia their favorite hangouts in the residence.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=146336