Burr Sells DC Townhouse | Talking Points Memo

Not always. I bought a house that was about 80% through a total flip and renovation. Just as the owners were nearing the finish line he was pulled away for weeks on end for disaster related work out of town. The couple lived in the house. They did a lot of the work themselves, not subs. So, the wife is left to do the bulk of the remaining 20%, but sadly she comes down with a debilitating muscular condition. Not fatal, but precludes her from work. She trudges on, then one day calls her husband and announces sheā€™s fed up, heā€™s always gone, sheā€™s tired and lonely. Weā€™re selling the damned house now or this marriage is over. I mean now!

I heard about all this from a realtor friend that knew them. Made an offer, low balled but sort of fair. Presto, got myself an almost finished house in a soon to be booming neighborhood. Never listed, private sale.

ā€œThe gift ban is one of the most basic legal frameworks for preventing corruption. Lobbyist gifts to lawmakers is akin to a bribe.ā€

This piece went on and on about how some kinds of overpayment are considered a ā€œgiftā€ and some kinds of gifts are considered problematic like if they were meant to influence a decision and then it said the above and Iā€™m all ā€œFINALLY.ā€ Itā€™s not like itā€™s so rare and shocking we hardly dare say the word, is it? Yeesh!


Beyond not being attentive, some through decisive inaction have placed more lives in jeopardy. Secretary Scalia at Labor is one of these villains.

And the 2021 Golden Duke goes toā€¦

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Finally something Maga and the broletariat can agree on.


Burr needs to spend some time in a greybar hotel where his only job is cleaning latrines.

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Umm. just for shits and giggles when was his cabinet ever IA?, i.e. In Actionā€¦

This is likely a common scam to pay bribes to Republicans, and to otherwise launder ill gotten gains.

Sales of Trump properties at huge mark-ups after a few years to Russian oligarchs was a common tactic of the Trump Organization which has thus far gotten no legal scrutiny.

Legislation to control all manner of abuses like this are needed.


So maybe it was only a small bribe in this instance. Of course, they likely also saved broker fees, perhaps inspection & repair costs, market timing & risk. So that might make the bribe a little more.

At best, it is part of the clubby, Iā€™ll-scratch-your-back approach to insider DC life!

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Agreed, to the extent that lobbyists have far too much influence. But I think itā€™s hard to argue that thereā€™s a gift here, much less a bribe. Green and Co. bought the house at market value. He didnā€™t stuff Burrā€™s pockets with extra cash (like Russians did Trumpā€™s), or rescue Burr from an unsellable house.


Say, isnā€™t it about time for the new hit comedy show, ā€œNo Crazy, No Crazy, Youā€™re the Crazy!ā€?

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We need a law that prohibits any member of Congress, and of their family, and any of their staff and their families, from ever receiving anything of any monetary value from any registered lobbyist or any firm that employs registered lobbyists.

Violating this law should be a felony, with large fines and mandatory jail sentences.

Additionally, all stocks, bods, or other securities owned by any member of Congress should have to be in a genuine blind trust.

That would go some distance in shutting down some of the corruption.


You may recall some people here calling a certain Congresswoman ā€œanti-Semiticā€ for using that phrase not too long ago. They were incorrect, of course.

Ordinarily, yes.

But in this case, cabinet members should just have their hands up where we can see them.

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What I want to know is when the DC Association of Realtors testified before his committee to share their concerns about the housing market.


Trying to be Rep. Dick Dodge from the Eddie Murphy film The Distinguished Gentleman and not succeeding.

With broad attribution rules such as IRC Ā§267.

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Duke Cunningham did that, too. Sold his house to a donor at above market rate.

Turned out to be a great career move.


On their head with fingers interlocked, or behind their back?

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I wonder if weā€™ll ever have a true accounting of how much Russian money was laundered through Trump properties.