Buckle Up For A Big Day In The Mar-a-Lago Case

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby’s response was masterful and on target. If you haven’t looked at the clip linked above in the text, do so when you get a chance. Front and center, over and over again. Stay on message and let’s not quit.

These are serious times and we are faced with serious challenges. We need serious people to solve them. There are no Republicans that can rise to this level. Too many in our society appear to like instantaneous comebacks that while lacking content or weight, make great sound bites. Too bad. Let’s keep the pressure on Republican proposed policies and their consequences, as well as on their actions.


They are going off the deep end on ‘censorship’ and Vivek Ramaswamy just went on a long tirade on Charlie Kirk’s podcast yesterday, after an appearance at the Young Fuckups PAC grope-a-thon or whatever Kirk’s group is called.

I am sure it is quite persuasive for the RW fuckoffs. Ramaswamy was blaming everything, including J6, on how censorship has been silencing the RW until they boil over. How the suppressed Hunter Biden story rigged our elections. It’s all the same kind of stuff, but it seems that the random conspiracy theories can be tidied up, the crazier stuff tamped down, and sound somewhat reasonable saying the Deep State, Dems, and Media are all conspiring to brainwash everyone and put a cork in righteous RW expression.


The more the Republicans let RFK Jr speak the more people can hear what a loon he is, and which in turn allows more clips of Republicans being totally insane while questioning RFK Jr.
(Have the House Republicans turned to that long famous entertainment company Shitshow Productions again?)


“unsuccessfully tried to have them returned”

This is not the first time these words have been used in regard to Trump / the Trump organization. He has the basic composition of a kleptomaniac

The cause of kleptomania remains unknown but risk factors include a family history of kleptomania or other impulse control disorders


Donald also took things besides stollen documents. He stole from Israel too!




They have become Monty Python’s Silly Party and they’re split between their Silly, Slightly Silly and Very Silly factions!


It’s spreading!


Take me to the river, drop me in the water
Take me to the river, dip me in the water
Washing me down, washing me down


I suspect the ceramic candles are on full display at the Kushner household.


These are unlikely objects for the magpie (or maybe he’s a packrat–pick the metaphor you find more insulting) to fixate on. They are ceramic oil lamps and it is unlikely that they are glazed. If someone didn’t know their provenance they probably wouldn’t get a second glance.


It’s possible that the Lust Object might have learned about them and glommed onto them. The big puzzle is how they ended up at the White House for someone in The Fat Guy’s entourage to have shipped to MaL. They weren’t loaned to the White House: they were loaned to someone (I can’t tell who, the article is behind a paywall, but in DC it’s probably the Smithsonian) for an exhibition in 2019 and then got caught up in the COVID mishegaas.


Why won’t anyone describe this particular Trump affliction accurately? He’s a F*CKING HOARDER!


GREAT response from Kirby!


Said officers will do with zeal and gusto that will make the Taliban and ISIS blush.

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Well Donnie does have the Silly Walk down pat.


It is not only the cruelty, but increasingly the dehuminization. Gov. Abbott feels free to use desperate migrants as political pawns because in his eyes and the eyes of his followers, they are not full human beings. The dehuminization list is constantly expanding to include the LGBTQ community, BLM protestors, progressives, minorities, women who choose abortions, people who want to preserve the separation of church and state: the list is almost endless.


Not bad
‘If You All Wanna Be Strip-Searched…’ – Eric Swalwell Gives Persistent Fox News Reporter Snarky Response About White House Cocaine (msn.com)

“Oh, I hope they care,” Swalwell responded. “There’s thousands of people who go in and out of the White House.”

The congressman then told Heinrich – a mainstay of the White House press briefing room – that if she and her colleagues want tighter security, they should speak with the Secret Service.

“If you all want to be strip-searched, you know, for substances before you go into the White House, that’s something that you should work with the Secret Service to see if they can accommodate.


I thought all one needed to move a hurricane is a brand new black