But isn’t this going to go the way of the various Hatch act violations that have taken place by others in this party, been exposed and investigated and yet no one has been prosecuted?
The FCPA has a lot more teeth than the Hatch Act. A lot more.
The FCPA and equivalent acts in other countries are why every legitimate company doing international business has a compliance officer/team. If you are caught violating it, at best the company gets a fine, a consent decree, and a federal supervisor for several years. If it’s egregious, people go to jail.
Ok, I hope that’s true, but pardon me for being just a bit skeptical that anything will happen with this. I want it to, honestly, I’d like to see someone, ANYone, pay for their crimes. It just hasn’t happened yet.
I just recently went through the annual “code of business conduct” training that my (large) employer requires of everyone, from top to bottom, every year. FCPA (and foreign analogues) was an important topic. So yeah, it’s A Thing.
I don’t trust the Department of Justice or the New York office of the FBI. These are all corrupt Republican party and Giuliani cocksuckers. This investigation of Broidy and the arrest of Preshitident Skanky-Manslut rapist buddy Jeffrey Epstein are fake, smoke and mirrors kabuki-theater events to eventually exonerate and free these criminals.
These investigations are as fake and as sleazy as First Escort and Pornstar Melaria Knav’s wet tee-shirt fake torpedo-nipples act at the boring and sad Fourth of July Daddy’s Generals’ phallic symbol and parked tank show.