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Founder & Editor-in-Chief:
Executive Editor:
Trump on Twitter 10 minutes from now: “UNSKEW THE UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS!”
So much WINNING!!!
So we had 20.5 million jobs lost in April, and another (likely more than) 3 Million this week. Gotta be at about 25-26 Million jobs lost so far due to Trump’s incompetence and magical thinking.
In the Great recession it was 8.7 Million jobs lost from 2007-2009.
We have 23 Million people looking for work (A6) number and that does not count those who are unemployed but have given up actively working or just stayed home, gone on to school part time, etc.
I for one am not yet tired of all of the winning…. Maybe I should switch my specialty to national bankruptcy. The fees on Trump’s latest Bankruptcy are going to be HUUUUGEEEEE!
Some weirdly high percentage of families lack money in the bank to pay a $400 emergency need. I keep reading stories of millions that have yet to see even a penny of unemployment money, several weeks into this ordeal. They must be going through hell on all their bills, to say nothing of scrambling for food. Just tragic.
So, how in the hell do any of them maintain even a shred of loyalty for Trump through all this? If failing to manage a damned pandemic to even minimal expectations doesn’t sink him we’re doomed.
Maybe he’ll order that they be convolved with the COVID-19 death function.
(A girl can dream.)
There should have been two sister activities from the Federal Government:
(1) A sustained stipend of salary-level financial assistance for working people…for the transition to:
(2) A Work Modification Program in which work would be quickly analyzed in terms of modification potential. The idea being that some work can be continued with far less modification (like working from home) and on the other extreme require substantial modifications (or termination), like conventional indoor restaurants.
In between the two extremes would be a number of work environments which could be modified with a focus on safe Covid protocols
There are enough creative people in this country who could do this. The problem is Trump and Mitch McConnell
I and most people in my circle of friends and relatives are in agreement with you yet Trump continues to have higher approval in the polls than his average from the time he became president. How is this even remotely possible?
The energy to support Trump comes from racism and bigotry.
I’m getting bored with all the winning, make it stop.
As unfortunate as it is, I really think a vast number of people in our country share many detestable traits with Trump. Racism, xenophobia, misogyny, anti-science and anti-intellectual mindsets, suspicion if not outright loathing of non-Christians (although Trump could give a rat’s ass about religion, save for using it to divide people). Similar to Trump many are insecure, fearful, bereft of higher learning, short-tempered, lack empathy or compassion, lack introspection and feel they know what needs done about any problem despite having no damned training or education in whatever it is they are volunteering their opinion on. Trump is America, in many, many ways.
Do you think the Trump team possesses the skill to coordinate this? Obama left Trump a pandemic playbook and this admin couldn’t follow it.
They have shut their minds to anything other than FOOTBALL and NASCAR nothing else counts.
To be fair that involved a lot of reading. There were like 60 pages or some such.
Mark my words and count the days until those numbers begin to drop as GOP Governors who opened their states early will begin to expunge unemployment benefactors and reject new applications in troves.
They will claim progress while their citizens suffer.
It’s all about creating false numbers to make a certain syphilis ridden narcissistic sociopath off their backs.
The only skill the party of offal has is to fleece America and we have let them do it for generations.
The thing that should really be worrying all of us is that the economy was already starting to smell a little “recession-y” before the pandemic, and one of the major things that was propping it up was consumer confidence. Well, that crutch is gone now and won’t be easy to get back. People are now in survival mode, and you can’t just flip a switch and make them all feel comfortable enough to spend money freely.
Trump does best with wealthy white people, or more accurately, those with enough money in the bank to feel superior to those around them, but slightly vulnerable and threatened. From the cross tabs in the marquette U poll of WI (because it is recent, a high quality poll, and the most likely state to tip the election:
On Approval of Trump on how he is handling the economy (his strongest numbers and the only area where he is in net positive territory in WI), rich people (or more accurately upper middle class people and up) are much more approving of Trump:
But what is keeping Trump alive at this point is a remaining optimism that “things will get better” Trump’s supporters are in a denial stage. Here is the numbers on the question “will the economy be better or worse in a year”:
Yet a lot of voters get it, here are the head to head numbers (which once weighted have Biden at 46%, Trump at 43%):
The reason why Trump is acting so crazy about reopening the economy is that he knows that if the economy does not get better, the 47% of lower income, 42% of middle, and 51% of upper income voters who think that better times are just around the corner will notice it rather quickly, and he is likely to be part of the fall out.
Entire poll - a good read - is here:
“The problem is Trump and Mitch McConnell”.
Trump’s lack of rational thinking and Mutch’s despotic and cruel nature.