In a true profile in courage, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Thursday evening tossed aside his past criticism of former President Donald Trump’s incitement the deadly assault of the Capitol on January 6 and embraced the ex-president once more.
The nice thing about being a White Supremacist Party is you can keep having it both ways, or any ways you like, until the whole enterprise comes crashing down around you. But the nice thing when that happens is you spread the pain around again to “those people.”
“My point is what happened in the past is not something relevant now. We’re moving forward,”
I doubt a single historian or philosopher would agree with that. The present is built on your adjustments to the past and the future on how well you did.
I agree, stupid statement. Moscow Mitch thinks insurrection, sedition and deaths aren’t a deal breaker, wants us to just ignore all that. And, the big lie continues.
Mitch saw his approval ratings in KY tank because he criticized Trump. I don’t know why he cares, he is 79 and has six more years in his term. Is he really going to run again at 85? Of course, you can never count on him to do the right thing but why is he turning control of the GOP to Trump? Maybe he realizes that he can’t win that battle.
Might it have made a difference if Democrats had from the beginning used the word treason and talked about the only proper punishment for Trump being the death penalty? I mean in moving the Overton window so that impeachment became the moderate option and normalization of insurrection became impossible? Think about if the shoe were on the other foot. Republicans don’t let constitutional lawyers do their messaging, why do Democrats?
Did you feel the power of the GOP.
If you think 500,000 dead, or the power outages in Texas, or voter suppression or the attack on the Capitol was bad reelect Trump in 2024 and you will see what happened then is nothing compared to what we can do.
For someone who has a top seat at the Republican table, that sits there while Republican speaker drones on and on over our history, our heritage, how Western Civilization is crumbling because the youths don’t value their history, and Mitch says this:
“My point is what happened in the past is not something relevant now. We’re moving forward,”
However, that being said, I think he figures it costs him nothing at the moment to say this, but I am 150% certain he knows that there is no way on this green earth that BLOTUS is going to run again. Run his mouth off, yes, but he will be too battered by all of the coming litigation, especially when all of the financials come out to show him being only a thousandaire… And even though I doubt he will land in jail, there is a good possibility that his Evil Spawn may.
Four years is a long time, and much will be different by the time 2024 really gets going.
Let’s not forget how Sarah “I can see Russia from my living room” Palin was the new face and future of the GOP, until she wasn’t…