As the Trump administration scrambles to try to get a citizenship question re-added to the census, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) unveiled a bill Wednesday that would block a key endgame on Republicans’ effort to include the question on the 2020 survey.
I’m not sure what the “redistricting file” is, but if the data is collected, won’t it be available indirectly and just as useful to the GOP redistricting aims?
That’s aside from the intended suppressive effect.
If this passes (perhaps attached to keeping the govt open) that would be great. Although I could see the supremes using it to allow the ciitizenship question to be put on the census and then striking it down because reasons.
Where are all the comments blaming Pelosi and Nadler for not doing enough, yesterday already? I fully expect to see a torrent of comments saying Booker is clearly playing into the Republicans’ hands by failing to Declare the Socialist Republic immediately.
He’s thrown his hat in the ring and so far hasn’t gotten a lot of traction, but did make himself known more at the first “debate”. He’s a legislator, and doing legislation. There is nothing “desperate” about any of it. Or “publicity stunt” either.
Of course any politician knows how anything they do in their job will get positive or negative attention, or not, and may affect their reelection or election for another job. It’s how democracy works.
Fortunately, I am a cave man and have neither Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or anything else like that. If I want to communicate with my rookie congressperson, I go look up my 4 digit zip code extension so I can email her after inserting the appropriate Prefix to my name (Reverend, Doctor, Mr.?).