NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — It seemed like a friendly chat between neighbors. Only after a bomb exploded in downtown Nashville on Christmas morning could Rick Laude grasp the sinister meaning behind his neighbor’s smiling remark that the city and the rest of the world would never forget him.
“Nothing about this guy raised any red flags,” Laude said. “He was just quiet.”
It’s the quiet ones ya gotta watch . Ya know that one eh? Every time ya see a story about a serial killer on T.V. What do they do? they bring on the neighbor. And the neighbor says “Well, he was always very quiet.” And someone in the room says “It’s the quiet ones ya gotta watch. This sounds to me like a very dangerous assumption. I will bet you anything that while you’re watching a quiet one, a noisy one will fucking kill you! Suppose you’re in a bar and one guy is reading a book not bothering anybody and another is standing in the front with a machete banging on the door saying “I’LL KILL THE NEXT MOTHER FUCKER WHO COMES IN HERE!” ……who ya gonna watch? Ya goddam right. — G. Carlin.
President Donald Trump hasn’t publicly commented on the explosion but has spoken to Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee and offered resources and support, according to the governor’s office.
He doesn’t have much to say when the terrorist is white, huh.
Really, Mr. Warner? In a million years, the world will not have forgotten you? A septillion years? A googolplex of years? Makes you wonder what unremitting Paradise means for those who believe they will be ‘saved’ after death, doesn’t it?
A law enforcement report released Monday showed that Warner’s only arrest was for a 1978 marijuana-related charge.
Welp - that settles it. Obviously he had some kind of reefer-induced flashback that turned him into a terrorist. So the only answer is to ban the maryjane. Better burn those Partridge Family albums too, just to keep them out of young people’s hands.