Former National Security Adviser John Bolton said on Monday night that he was concerned that President Donald Trump and the White House would try to muzzle his tell-all book, “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir.”
Various House committees have oversight over Executive Branch actions. Much is still in dispute, and unknown, about Trump’s conduct in several areas that Bolton could shed light on. Yet I read or hear almost nothing post-impeachment about anyone in the House planning to ask or demand Bolton appear to testify, not even behind closed doors. WTF?
Bolton is another greedy RethugniCON who traded our rule of law and democracy for his book and his party!
Rachel Maddow read excerpts from another book - Dark Towers - and it tried to draw the connection in Trump’s loan/money = Russian VTB to Deutsche Bank to Trump loans…in essence, Russia guarantees Trump’s loan.
It’s worthwhile to remember that no other bank would lend to Trump yet DB kept on lending to him, Kushner, Epstein et al!
Bolton is only ‘muzzled’ because he chose not to step up as a patriotic American and respect the authority of Congress. His story could already be out there… but he chose to try to maintain his seat on the conservative media gravy train and maybe make a few bucks from his doorstop of a book.
If the WH/POTUS tries to “suprress” your book, then you call Adam Schiff and say “I’m ready to testify.” From what I understand, Executive Privilege does not apply to violations of law. Tell what you know. You could be an actual patriot instead of playing the faux intellectual who manipulates his reputation to make himself wealthy and who loves to be “powerful” without actually being legally responsible.
Absolute gaslight. When the shit runs out and the fan finally stops, Bolton and Barr will crawl out from under, as always. Forty years and counting. Like vermin after a nuclear exchange, they survive.
This effectively ends Bolton’s Govt Career. NOBODY, moving forward, can trust him with anything but self-dealing…sort of becoming a smarter version of Rudy Giuliani. Goodbye Johnny, we won’t miss you. Maybe you can move to the Democratic Miracle of Iraq that you wrought with your fetid warmongering and perform your magic on that place.