Bloomberg’s Partner To Those Bothered By NDAs: ‘Get Over It’

Diana Taylor, longtime partner of former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, advised those bothered by his nondisclosure agreements to “get over it.”

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Mick Mulvaney was Bloomberg’s partner, who knew?


“Get over it” is a phrase that basically means “you are right of course, but I got away with it so stop talking about morality when it is power that counts.”


Is B’s campaign having his partner do the talking on this a good thing? Or should he be speaking for himself? I can’t decide…


He also swore to stop using NDAs at his company, and to install other structural reforms like family leave and equal pay.

Those reforms should have already been in place, but it’s good to see the pressure applied by Warren and others having an impact and forcing change. This should be what the article is about, not Bloomberg’s partner’s statement.


I agree. NDAs are common. NDAs that cover criminal behavior, which some of Trump’s NDAs do, are different. Bloomberg was not acting out of the mainstream for the time, and I believe Taylor that he has changed. There were probably few CEOs that did not tell a dirty joke 30 years ago. That is not to excuse the behavior, which was as disgusting then as it is now. But we need to talk about more serious stuff like how to beat Trump. This focus is ridiculous.


I worked with Diana Taylor when she was NY Superintendent of Banks ( appointed by Pataki, a Republican). She is smarter than this. Diana, he wasn’t running for POTUS 30 years ago,now, was he. They are not Democrats. Marketing bullshit. No substance.
Have times changed? These entitled Republicans want your vote.


“Get over it” is a hell of a way the win votes.


I didn’t know he wasn’t married and had a years-long partner. Nothing wrong with that, I’m in the same kind of relationship, but that’s not going to play well in the flyover states.

At least Buttigieg is married and wouldn’t be living in sin in the White House. /s


Tone deaf Bloomberg apparently found a tone deaf partner.

Sounds like a perfect match.


Funny, that’s the same thing my dad said to me when Trump was elected. That’s one of the reasons why I stopped talking to him and joined the resistance.


I believe he’s divorced and Diana is his partner but not spouse.

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OK, I’ll get over the NDA’s when Bloomberg tears them ALL up.

Mike’s got to “get over” this NDA habit.


Once again frustrated by the ambiguity of the word “partner.”

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I approve of this approach on her part.
But that’s probably because I don’t want Bloomberg to get the nomination.


He also swore to stop using NDAs at his company, and to install other structural reforms like family leave and equal pay.

Whoa, I guess Mikey is all “woke” now. Good to know.

“Get over it” is what people say who have done something wrong to someone else. It implies that you are childish to take offense when someone goes out of their way to offend you. I don’t believe that every little comment someone might have made decades ago sgould be dredged up, but when someone runs a multi-million dollar company for years and is just now supporting equal pay and family leave, they need to be held to account.

People don’t like you, Mike - get over it.


Go fuck yourself, Diana.


For about half the people on this board there is no ethic, principle or policy that can’t be discarded to beat Trump. It’s really gross and pathetic.


I’ve lost count of the posts I’ve put up suggesting just this. Each candidate is making the case for how special they are and how dynamic they’ll be in office, but nowhere near enough about how trumPP is dangerous and how best to get him out of office. Also no talk at all about guaranteed access to a voting booth. So his partner of 20 years said what any long time partner would say about events of 30 years. Get over it is about right.

Sounds like you want to try.

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