A crop of election deniers — some hand-picked by former President Donald Trump — are gunning to control elections in key battlegrounds as secretaries of state.
And still no one, but TPM, is calling them out. I know TPM is widely read, but I don’t think it’s so widely read that it’s going to make a difference in this scenario.
The fascistgop cult members are not election deniers so much as democracy deniers. Their concept of democracy is patterned after russia, china, north korea, saudi arabia, etc. You can vote for one party (or else).
They will never allow a majority of their citizens the opportunity to choose their leaders, in their minds that’s crazy talk.
Candidates for Office basing their appeal by way of them having the ability to cheat at elections.
And having a clear relationship/affinity to Donald Trump.
When all is said and done–save for the deaths by COVID he is directly responsible for–the fact that he was able to get ordinary people to accept supporting a gangster is the most tragic thing he has inflicted upon the United States.
That is in the books. There is no explaining around it.
OT…for those citing the Ukraine invasion by Russia (instead of what I wrote), maybe you are right. Trying to categorize or “rate” evil is a fool’s errand…at one time or another, in his rape of the country, T-Rump has made us all fools
That said, if these corrupt, power hungry zealots want to characterize me as “antifa,” I will wear that as a badge of honor, patriotism, and as being pro-democracy.
Ever since Dumbya, my (very large) extended family had maintained a sort of détente, avoiding political discussions with each other, but once that spray-tanned, raccoon-faced toxin emerged from the GOP boil, it’s been 1860 – absolute poison and rancor from the Republican contingent.
When the pandemic began, I had four living aunts; I’m now down to one, an octogenarian with whom I’d been extremely close my entire life. Now, she just rails on and on about how the 2020 election was “stolen!” and “America is over!”
I (literally) weep at the senseless loss of familial bonds from this mental illness that’s infected so many loved ones. I can only imagine it multiplied tens of millions of times over, throughout America.
When we get a surge of adrenalin, the first way our body reacts is to give us a surge of nausea in the solar plexus.
That’s what this headline did to me.
My profound sympathies. I have a beloved cousin I was very close to all my life who is now unrecognizable. Her husband recently died and it greatly pains me to not be able to see or comfort her. It wouldn’t make it better to lose loved ones to a worthy adversary, but to lose them to that raping, cheating, lying pond scum who is CONTEMPTUOUS of them is just beyond the pale.
Our great country is demanding new descriptive for this class of toady. Let me hear yours! Or try one of these out while talking with your friends! OrangeSuckers, TrumpToadys, DonnyDupes…