Big, Huge, Golf: How Trump’s Lawyers Used The Trial To Flatter Him

No, he cheated to get to 62 out of 80. Everything about this pathetic creep is a lie or a scam, or a lie about a scam, or a scam about a lie. Dude sucks, man.


All nine year olds object to this LIBEL!11!


Reilly’s book, Commander in Cheat, is still the best book I have read about Trump. It captures his pettiness, his willingness to lie and cheat - and most of all, it captures his sick need for his ego to be stroked constantly.

I have given a copy to every one of my friends who golf. The ones who are not Trump fans reacted like me. But the ones who like/admire him doubted the book’s veracity, called Reilly an obvious Democrat and smear artist, etc.

As always, it’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.


I was wondering if anyone would catch that.

Necheles, an experienced New York City litigator, …
President Trump was the biggest celebrity, probably, at that tournament, right?”

Blanche, Trump’s lead attorney, … delivered a memorable opening by explaining to jurors that “we will call him ‘President Trump’ out of respect for the office,”

Why oh why is this shit tolerated, ever, let alone in a courtroom?



It is always amazing that people believe this fucking shit. Stupid thinking and deep assholery go hand in hand.


Well, if this is a contest, I was also in grade school in the fifties and I’ve never seen Bambi. Nor The Apprentice. Nor The Kardashians.

I went into a Walmart about a dozen years ago shortly after one opened nearby and walked right out the door on the other side of the building because it was filled with creepy people. I take it as a credit to my community that the store went belly up a couple of years ago.


I’m certain their efforts were based entirely on ensuring the possibility of future payment for their services.

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Never in a Wal-Mart is easier to pull off in a metropolitan area but you can’t try that in a small town.


I’m waiting for the time when people stop kissing his ass and start kicking it.

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You might be waiting a VERY long time.

This guy has the entire group under a spell that won’t be broken easily. And when it is, it won’t be pretty.


I worked part time in a Walmart. When Sam Walton croaked over, the corporate locusts took less than a week to make the employees work more hours with less help for less money. Then they stole the bonus checks. Within a month, I quit.


Elmo Musk has lost his mind.


Elon Musk says artificial intelligence will take all our jobs and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

“Probably none of us will have a job,” Musk said about AI at a tech conference on Thursday.

While speaking remotely via webcam at VivaTech 2024 in Paris, Musk described a future where jobs would be “optional.”

“If you want to do a job that’s kinda like a hobby, you can do a job,” Musk said. “But otherwise, AI and the robots will provide any goods and services that you want.”


His lawyers do this flattery nonsense because their client has insisted on it and they calculate it won’t do significant harm to his case. But possibly most of all because, if they don’t, he might act up in court and/or even insist on testifying.


The appeal in talking up Trump’s hugeness, success, greatness of business, etc., is of course an animal appeal to something deep inside every one of us.

The judge hears irrelevant questions. The jury hears, deep in its “triune brain” as an evolved variety of mammal, “Alpha.”

“Big man here, Who are we to interfere?”

Working just beneath the surface of all of that talk placing Trump on a higher and unreachable upper echelon of society, of course, below the limin and never, ever stated, is the infrasonic rumble, of a hinted threat.

The overt facts and law work at one level. Human sympathy works at another. Beneath human sympathy, when we encounter power, runs a layer called “fear.” To the legal argumentations and natural lawyers’ attempts to lay in a foundation of doubt, salt in a subliminal message, that is never quite manifestly made explicit to the conscious mind: “Alpha.”

And other than a word, preconscious, there it will be, in jurors’ minds: “alpha.”



But no one is above the law.

You know.

That trite little catchphrase Alina Habba disparaged yesterday?

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Sorry that happened. I also heard horror stories from suppliers to the company about its penurious ways, so I am not surprised.


And millions want this soon-to-be criminal to be president again. One term wasn’t enough I guess.

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