President-elect Joe Biden will use a Korean War-era law to supply vaccines and other COVID-19 essentials, an adviser said Monday.
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President-elect Joe Biden will use a Korean War-era law to supply vaccines and other COVID-19 essentials, an adviser said Monday.
Seizing the means of production? Biden really is a socialist after all.
More than ready on day one!
Removing trumps dumps will take a lot more than 100 days, though
It sounds like distribution and inoculations are the limiting factors, not vaccine production, unless some items used in vaccine production become scarce.
And more than 15 flushes.
“You will see him invoking the Defense Production Act,” Gounder said on CNBC.
Absolutely necessary.
For PPE, test kits, and vaccines at a minimum.
If there’s any way to use this act to scale testing-and-contract-tracing, then let’s do that, too.
(And, while we’re at it, let’s mandate those OSHA findings on the damned meat-packing plants!)
Billions of doses will be required to innoculate people around the world. A shortage of something required for vaccine production seems inevitable.
The adults are now in charge. Production of testing supplies, personal protective equipment and vaccine are all covered. This should have been done many months ago, but it is now welcomed nonetheless. We should never have had issues with testing and quantities of PPE for this country to the extent that we did. Incredibly poor management up to this point as it was not centralized and done in a serious manner. Let’s move forward.
I hope the estimate of close to 500,000 fatalities in the US is overstated, but fear that it is not. The plans to deal with covid-19 by the Trump Administration have been criminal, and we as a Nation will now pay the price with additional fatalities. But the Republican Congress members, many of whom are responsible, get the early vaccine. They, in fact, should have been the last.
About time, isnt it mr trump?
I just wish Biden and the administration would stop tipping their hand. There was no reason for them to make this revelation nearly a month before the inauguration giving Trump enough time to possibly usurp this and enact this before Biden gets the chance or McConnell a chance to tear up the Defense Production act in advance.
We don’t need to know everything today.
Probably not overstated. I expect the current infection rate to hold at least until trump is out of office, and since mortalities lag by several weeks, the deaths will continue to accumulate at the current rate well into February.
I hope I am being pessimistic.
I worked for a company where some of the older workers had been there during the Korean Conflict. They said they turned out equipment for our military and the company made good money.
That’s not how The Invisible Hand™ is supposed to work.
Indeed, Adam Smith hisself would have approved.
Wasn’t so invisible though. They had to have high standards of product quality – withstand bouncy rides, moisture, etc.
Not exactly.
If its implemented like in WW2, the company is forced to meet the government’s demands, but with still decent profit margins and a prohibition against strikes/work stoppages. Its a pretty good deal for the companies as they get government guaranteed revenue without threat of labor action.
If the Trump administration was more competent, they could have used the DPA to really enrich his friends and supporters.
And also vaccine delivery - needles, syringes, ppe for the vaccinators - you know the stuff OWS was supposed to be planning for, but probably isn’t.
Could maybe use DPA to ensure a ready supply of the most efficient needle/syringe combo, so as to get the most doses out of every vial
Thank god they fired them.
bIdEn n tRuMp r dA SaMe