President Joe Biden unveiled surprise, significant marijuana reform Thursday, announcing pardons for “all prior federal offenses of simple possession,” calling on governors to do the same with state charges and directing a review of marijuana’s scheduling under federal law.
Can’t wait to see which Republican legal foundation brings a suit to keep marijuana illegal. Probably by arguing that its decriminalization is a sop to Black voters, just like the loan forgiveness program.
Fighting this would be a gift to Democrats in the mid-terms, I think. It would really charge up younger voters, and even my octogenarian, very Republican mom thought marijuana should be legalized.
If he’s done something about allowing pot businesses access to the banking system (at the moment, it’s an all cash business, leading to armed robbery and additional taxes - the IRS charges a 10% penalty if you pay in cash) that’d be news. This is very welcome (particularly the pardons) but just messing about at the edges of legalization.
Of course, California managed to complete screw up the legal marketplace (though to be fair a lot of that is due to cities messing up the permits for stores) and pushed the price of legal pot higher than illegal. Great job!
It’s about damned time! He said, situated a few miles from the NH/MA border. For years NH’s state liquor monopoly siphoned untold millions from MA. Now the goose is on the other foot.