Biden: Trump Impeachment Trial ‘Has To Happen’ | Talking Points Memo

Not when it comes to impeachment and trial. The SCOTUS does not have any standing. It’s purely political. However, a separate determination via vote is stupid - just don’t vote to convict if you think it’s unconstitutional.


I understand the political side, but why would the Senate decide matters of “Constitutionality”? Convict T****, and let him appeal it to SCOTUS…

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So, you’d rather he lie? Do you expect 17 Republicans to vote to convict?

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No not really, so this basically makes me scratch my head.

By this logic, would you disqualify anyone who was not neutral on the question?

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Biden needs to keep telling it like it is. That is how you regain trust. It is going to be a long haul. On the other hand, it depends on how much shit comes out between now and then. If the threats of violence to senators actually amount to something then it is a different ballgame. I think Pence should be called to show Trump’s state of mind. Bring him on and play Trump’s verbal and tweet attacks on the Penser. Then play the “Kill Mike Pence” chants. The “Georgia Dialogues” could influence too. But, yeah, 17 Gop senators is a heavy lift.


Plus the outlandish pressure on Main Justice and on that Federal prosecutor in Georgia — neither, however, mentioned in the Article of Impeachment.


I agree. They should have been in there.

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